ASA setting of Minolta RD3000 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I believe there is some way of altering the preset "ASA" value of the Minolta RD3000 but I am darned if I can figure out how. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone is curious about this camera's ability in the field I can report on a recent 6 week expedition in remote locations in Eastern Europe in which the RD3000, an IBM chip, batteries and a charger and converter, was highly successful. (Together with a G3 laptop, of course, and plenty of Zips). Thanks, Karl P. Koenig

-- Karl P. Koenig (, April 30, 2000


Interesting story! - We just have an RD3000 in house for testing, hope to have a review up next week sometime. You can change the ISO to 800 (from the normal 200), but it is pretty arcane. To do so, press the exposure-compensation button (bottom left-hand side) AND the "Spot" button (top right), and then rotate the command dial (front). You should see the display change from ISO 200 to ISO 800.

-- Dave Etchells (, May 04, 2000.

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