Use Nikon 990 as film scanner : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I was thinking of the Nikon Coolscan III for a long time. Now that the new cameras are so good, can I use slide copier as film scanner? How about the quality? Anyone sell slide copier for Nikon CP990?

-- Raphael HuKai (, April 30, 2000


As long as you can accept lesser quality the slide copies rig might work for you. The Coolscan will give you much better results for a variety of reasons, the 990 is only going to give you 24bit images at its best quality. The dynamic range of the 990 is also far less than the Coolscan. Actually for the same money as the Nikon Coolscan, the Polariod 4000 is more bang for the buck, 4000 dpi makes a noticable difference in image detail. It all depends on what makes you happy, for the web, the 990 will work and probably for prints up to 5x7 or so.

-- Cris Daniels (, May 01, 2000.

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