INDIANA OR : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, we are a family of 5 searching for a mini farm on 20 or more acres in ohio or indiana. Please email me if you are selling your farm blessings kelly
-- KELLY HEAD (, April 28, 2000
Is there any certain area in Indiana or Ohio that your prefer?
-- R. (, April 28, 2000.
I live in southern Indiana. What are you looking for
-- Grant Eversoll (, April 28, 2000.
Just couldn't help noticing your situation, but it took us (family of 6) nearly two years to find a decent mini-farm (3.5 acres) without the sub-division or crowded home lots that are a few feet apart from each other. We went through many realtors and they all have one thing in common and that the home with enough acrage is harder to find each passing year because of this is a densely populated state. We were very fortunate and blessed to find this mini-farm with lots of trees(black walnut, honey locust, osage-orange, sugar maple, and persimmon) surrounding our property and enough land space to have goats, chickens, couple of turkeys, pig, rabbits, gardens and some maple syrup! Another big plus, is that there is a huge golf course just accross the road from us. Good luck to you, and don
-- David K. Cripe (, February 11, 2001.