LOOKING FOR FARM IN INDIANA OR OHIOgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello, we are a family of 5 searching for a mini farm on 20 or more acres in ohio or indiana. Please email me if you are selling your farm blessings kelly
-- KELLY HEAD (MILKGOATS12@aol.com), April 28, 2000
Kelly, If you are still looking for a farm E-mail me and I would be happy to send you our little weekly paper from Monroe County, OH. We are very rural, small towns in southeastern Ohio, about 40 miles south west of Wheeling, WV. Property is very cheap, starting at 1000.00 an acre with a house and barn sometimes. Bargains can still be found here, the Amish are moving here from other places due to our cheap land. Glad to be of some help! Annie in Beallsville.
-- Annie M. Miller (annie@1st.net), September 25, 2000.
I will join Annie in watching for a nice place to come up in our county. We love Monroe County. We're half an hour from her, near Lewisville. She is sooo right about the ocasional bargain that crops up here. We recently bought another great little place (40 acres, nice house, producing gas well) for $15,500- yep, you read that right.Granted, those bargains are rare, but they happen. My cousin just closed on a house and 1.5 acres in Jerusalem for $18,000.
We could go to town and get gas, groceries,feed, and supplies with out money. "Forgot my wallet. Catch you next time I'm in." That is priceless. You have to earn the trust, but anyone can do it if they show themselves to be trustworthy.
The natives here and our businesses will extend a helpful, welcoming hand - if you are warm, pleasant and don't act like a nutcase. They can be standoffish if they percieve you to be loony.
-- homestead2 (homestead@monroecty.net), September 25, 2000.