Help with Quark : LUSENET : Mac Troubleshooting : One Thread |
Hi, I am not a Mac user (cringe). However, I have been translating for a printing company and now they want the document I have typed in Word 7.0 (PC) format to be converted for their Mac use. They say they are using Quark (duh?) and that even my saving my document in simple TEXT format isn't good anymore! HELP!
-- Majd (, April 27, 2000
I'm a Mac user who also uses PCs (cringe). You should be able to give your client your Word document, saved in whatever version of Word they can open. Since Macs can open PC files, that should work OK. Don't save as TEXT, save as Word doc. I hope there isn't alot of formatting, because that will mostly be lost in the conversion. They will then copy & paste into the Quark lay
-- R. Midland (, May 11, 2000.
Ask the printing Company you are translating for if they have maclink plus. This software is cheap ($90.00) Any reputable printing company should have it. It opens most windows based files and converts them to a mac friendly format. I have the feeling the real problem is that they don't like reformatting in quark once the document is converted.
-- skip (, May 12, 2000.