Amish farm for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My Amish friends are moving sad to say .They have a 135A farm ,3-4 bedroom house in good shape .I think there is 3-4 nice barns .A nice fenced in pasture , woodlot , and fields .He was doing organic farming .There are 2 wells .There is electricity and plumbing still in the house but not hooked up .I am going ther today and I will see if I missed anything .They are asking $110,000 which is a little high to me , but they are open to offers.The farm is located in Madrid N.Y. ,which is N. New York in St. Lawrence county .If anyone is interested e-mail me and I can give you the address so that you can write them .They are also selling lots of horse drawn equipment and registered sannen goats .
-- Patty Gamble (, April 27, 2000
Could you get them to wait about eight years until I am ready to retire? LOL This sounds like my dream homestead and the price is excellent. I sure hope I can find a deal like this when I am ready to go. The more I hear from you, the more I am drawn to New York. It sounds like there are some nice places there. It is also close enough to Canada that I can go to dog shows there and put Canadian titles on my dogs as well which is something we are interested in. Hope you find some nice new neighbors.
-- Colleen (, April 27, 2000.
Just goes to show how much prices can vary across the country. That same farm in even the most rural parts of North Florida would probably be in the $200,000-$250,000 range. Sounds mighty sweet..........Alan.
The Prudent Food Storage FAQ, v3.5
-- A.T. Hagan (, April 27, 2000.
MY GOD !!!!! that is what we paid for 6ac. no barn no fences and a house that is in need of every thing . Makes me want to pack today and move! what is the job market like up there?renee from MD.
-- renee oneill (, April 27, 2000.
A one acre lot down the road from us sold for $110,000 last year. Prices are higher this year. No buildings, just septic, power and water. Count your blessings!
-- sheepish (, April 27, 2000.
You might think that land is too pricy, try living in the northern part of IN. Just a house on a small lot her cost $140,000 or higher. One property that had 30 some acres went for $235,000. You would never find that much land around hear for that price. That is a steal. I wish them luck. I am sure that someone will see the value in that price and it won't be for sell long.
-- lon (, April 27, 2000.
Paty,I have Amish friends in Madrid New York. We bought our farm here in the Ozarks from them. It's not Scott and Janice is it? I as wondering if you were in the same area as they are.
P.S. Land prices are low here, you have stones to contend with but our county doesn't yet have a single traffic light!
-- kim (, April 27, 2000.
Same farm here in AMISH country (yeah, right) Pennsylvania, would go easily for $500,000......There are plenty of good farms in NY for good money, but watch the taxes..other places like MO have the same prices, but very low taxes (under $800/year for this size farm)...Here, the taxes would be over $10,000/year.Sounds like a great deal !!!!!
-- Lesley Chasko (, April 27, 2000.
Hello, Goodness, I would be interested if my husband could find a job there!! A place like that where I live now,, and this is no joke folks,,would go for $1,850,000.00 Of course, I don`t like snow much,, but if I had Barns for my sheep and other animals,, well..... And if I had no noisey neighbors,, not many dogs around.. and people maybe---oh no hand my heart,,,,waved Hi! and smiled!!:O) Humm.......
-- Bergere (, April 27, 2000.
I can't believe it Kim lives at my Amish friends old homestead ! Its a small world after all ,everybody sing now .I forgot to mention it has a 2 car garage and loft above it .If you are skilled labor there are jobs.We have a Kraft plant,GM,Alcoa and Reynolds paper,2 paper mills , lots of hospitals and colleges.
-- Patty Gamble (, April 28, 2000.
I know exactly where Madrid NY is. We were born and raised in western NYS. I would love to move back home, however, thanks to the former govenor, Mario Coumo, we are here in VA. the unemployment rate is very high, or rather was in 1993 and taxes were ridiculous (sp). We had a small farm and to give you an idea, the taxes were 4,000 per yr for a farm valued at 40,000. Hwere in VA we have a similiar farm with more acerage(40), (we had over 2 acres in WNY) only more value and the taxes are only a few hundred a yr. You have to pay in NY st., county, town, in some cases, and school taxes. Its the school tax that kills you. I would move back home in a heartbeat if I could afford it. We are now in south central VA., although I miss home a lot. I have a bitter taste in my mouth after Mario destroyed NYS with his crazy schemes to overtax. Actually, this is a good deal if anyone can afford the taxes. Maybe things have changed over the past few yrs and the taxes are not so bad. NYS is a great place to live! Besides that , the regs for commerical daires are not to rigerious.
-- Bernice (, April 29, 2000.
Taxes still aren't the greatest , I think its about 2,000 for the year .This doesn't seem bad since we moved from CT and they we're double that for a 150x150 lot!
-- Patty Gamble (, April 29, 2000.
I think we are getting onto the subject of why more people don't homestead. Who can afford $2,000-$4000 per year in taxes alone! In Northwest Arkansas our taxes (personal property and land) jumped to $160 this year! That's why we are here!!!! Kim
-- kim (, April 29, 2000.
Yes, it sounds like a good price, but tell us how much your taxes are a year?
-- robert ratliff (, May 29, 2000.
I can't believe the price they are asking! It must be sold by now. I can't think of why it wouldn't be. It's too bad this isn't in Southern Wisconsin or it would be sold and I would have a new farm. Good luck to whomever purchases this gem.
-- Jenny Buttke (, May 30, 2000.