newbie set up : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm just trying to get started making some vcds and I am wondering what hardware and software I should use, being that I am on a very limited budget. The computer I'm using is a PIII 500mhz, with 20 gig, but I'm lucky if there is five free. Speed is not a major concern, but I really want high quality vcds and would like some suggestions on the most economical capture devices, encoding software, and anything else I might need (I already have a burner.) I'd greatly appreciate any help.

-- John (, April 21, 2000


I've been using the Matrox Marvel G400 TV for recording DirecTV signal for VCD. I usually watch DirecTV or DVD, so quality is a big issue with me. Also, I watch my VCDs on a 36" Sony Wega which is big enough, and clear enough to bring out the flaws.

I'm very happy with the G400. I capture at 704x352 @ 30 fps @ 1.7- 2.5MB/sec. I then encode using the Panasonic MPEG-1 encoder to VCD White Book specs. The results are amazing. 50 minutes takes 10 hours to encode. I have a similar system to yours so performance should be the same. You can get the G400 at for $289 out the door, delivered next day. The Panasonic Encoder is readily available and/or cheap.

I burn with Adaptec EZ CD Creator 3.0. 4.0 VCDs seem to have problems on some systems. I usually play a VCD with VCDCutter, Media Player, Pioneer 525 and Raite 715 before I call it "good".

Also, don't grade a VCD as good or bad unless you've watched it on a calibrated device. TV is easiest to calibrate with Video Essencials.

Good luck and take care,

-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 23, 2000.

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