Incubating Chick- Question? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

WE have a chick that has been in the process of hatching for the last 4 days and it does not seem to be able to complete the process- should we assist in any way? we called the poultry specialist at extension but never got a call back. All the other chicks are out and peeping happily, just not sure what to do about this little guy- Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated- Thanks so much-Brigid

-- Brigid Luckey (, April 19, 2000


Hi I raise chickens,go ahead and help the chick out of the shell.It will most likely die if you help it, but will surely die if it hasn't gotten out in 4 days. Good luck, Daryll

-- Daryll (, April 20, 2000.

Go very slowly .You may need to use a little warm water on the shell ,its probally dried out now.If its head is out give a drop of water to it off your finger.

-- Patty Gamble (, April 20, 2000.

I have peeled out four chicks this year and three made it.

-- Rachel (, April 20, 2000.

Brigid, We've hatched hundreds of chicks and there are always some who need a little help. If there is a hole or peeping for at least a day and the rest are out, it might need help. When you start to peel the shell, if a little drop of blood forms between the shell and the inner layer, stop. Make sure the hole is large enough for the chick to breath, but leave it alone to finish. If you peel it out now it will die. If there is no blood, then probably the humidity got to low from opening and closing the incubator and the chick is sticky and can't get out. Just do it slow, the yolk has to be asorbed into the chicks belly button for it to be finished, but a tiny bit left won't hurt. We have left them in there half out for a day to let them finish and they were fine. If they are sticky, put them under warm water carefully and clean off the pieces of shell, then use a hair dryer to dry them, carefully. But a wet cloth in the incubator to help with the humidity during hatching. Hope this helps, we have chicks now and you never get tired of watching them. Cindy

-- Cindy McCoy (, April 24, 2000.

Dear Brigid, I have been raising chickens for years now, and have successfully helped baby chicks out on more than one occassion. The humidity is really important. Good Luck !!! I love our chickens!!!

-- Trish Harris (, April 25, 2000.

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