Count the : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
How many of you count vegetable gardens when you drive into town? How many of you pick certain people's gardens to pass by throughout the year so you can see what they are up to? Let's rate our towns. I challenge everyone to count the vegetable gardens that you can see in the towns near you. If you can see more than 20 Your town rates a 5 If you can see 15-20 your town ranks a 4 If you can see 10-14 your town ranks a 3. If you see 5-10 your town ranks a 2. Less than five your town ranks 1. Good luck and post the results. I'd like to see who else is addicted to snooping in other people's yards. Sunflowers drooping over the fence count.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, April 19, 2000
Western Maryland, 5,5,5,5,5,5!!!
-- p.j. (, April 20, 2000.
Little Bit---we don't have 20 houses in our town!!! ha! I'd say each house in this town that has soneone liveing in it, has a veggie garden or flower garden or herb garden, or container gardening. So I guess we are a 5????
-- Sonda Bruce (, April 21, 2000.
On the drive to town there is a raised bed garden where these folks grow one crop, potatoes, which give way to one crop, beans, which give way to tomatoes, ending the season with mustard greens, never together always one! Its lovely and always makes me want to stop and see why? Perhaps they are also the folks who don't let their food touch on the plate also! On the way to the feed store, their is the most beautiful green pasture, no idea what the grass is, no idea what the hay is, I probably will never have the nerve to ask, but every time I pass it, I always think to myself wouldn't the goats love that! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (, April 21, 2000.