Now Casting For ABC Mini-series On Elian's Saga : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Tentative casting:

Elian.....Keanu Reeves

Great Uncle Lazaro.....Anthony Quinn

Juan Gonzales (The Father).....George Clooney

Marisleysis (The "Babe" Cousin and Surrogate Mother).....Marisa Tomei

Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin.....Bea Arthur

Janet Reno.....Jack Palance


These are just tentative. I'm sure you have better choices.

-- (retard@but.happy), April 19, 2000


Jack Palance!!!!

Damn that is priceless!!!

O Christ, I wet myself.....


-- Deano (, April 19, 2000.

Great Uncle = Marlon Brando? otherwise known as 'guido'....

Janet Reno = Church Lady from Saturday nite live.

The crack aunt = Whitney, (beyond a doubt)

Elian = McCauley Caulkin (cant stand that ugly kid)

Dog = toto

Father = well Fidal castro himself of course...


-- consumer (, April 19, 2000.

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