Poe's Aunt

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

I have a question about Poe's aunt, Maria Clemm. Is she a blood relative or a relative of the foster family? I would really like to know.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000


Maria Clemm is a blood relative but im not sure if she was related to his mother or father.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Edgar Allan Poe Ancestry

David Poe b. unknown. d. 1742. Married Sarah ___; Lived in Dring, Cavan County Ireland.

Children of David and Sarah 1. John Poe b. unknown d. Abt 1756. In September 1741, married Jane McBride b. Abt 1706 d. July 17, 1802

2. Alexander Poe married Margaret ___

3. Anne Poe married Archibald Scott

4. Mary Poe

Children of John Poe and Jane McBride

1. David Poe (Abt 1743-1816) Ireland, married Elizabeth Cairnes (1756 - Jul 7, 1835)

2. George Poe married Catharine Dawson

3. Robert Poe

4. Samuel Poe

5. Jane Poe

6. Hester Poe

7. John Poe

8. Mary Poe

9. James

Children of David Poe and Elizabeth Cairnes

1. John Hancock Poe

2. William Poe

3. George Washington Poe

4. David Poe, Jr married Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins (Edgars mother and father)

5. Samuel Poe

6. Maria Poe married William Clemm, Jr (Edgars Aunt Maria Clemm)

7. Elisabeth Poe married Henry Herring (Edgars Uncle- assisted Dr. Snodgrass in getting Edgar to Washington College Hosp.)

Children of David Poe, Jr and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins

1. William Henry Leonard Poe

2. Edgar Poe

3. Rosalie Poe

Children of Maria Poe and William Clemm, Jr.

1. Henry Clemm

2. Virginia Maria Clemm (died at the age of two)

3. Virginia Eliza Clemm (Edgars cousin and wife)

Sorry for the formatting. Regards,

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

she is a blood relative and she was Edgar's father's sister, making her Edgar's aunt.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2005

Rosalie Poe was not David Poe Jr.'s daughter. David had left the family and even before he left, they had had many problems and Elizabeth had cheated on him with an acting friend. This is why David left and supposedly commited suicide a few weeks later. There were letters that Elizabeth gave to Edgar saying this but he denied it and said that the letters were fake and someone was trying to lie to him. But his foster parents knew that it was true from another source, perhaps the father, and always called Rosalie "half". These letters were burned.

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2005

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