FINE!! it's ReachIN' : LUSENET : It's All About Joe 90: The Discussion Board : One Thread

i thought i'd try and get away with some lame-o story about how i was using a different color font and how you all must not have your browsers set up right or something, but you all are too smart for that. especially kristin. kristin, eat a cookie, dammit! :o)

reachin. reachinreachinreachin. i got it now! anyway, it's still an okay song.

i have absolutely no reason for posting this post except that i feel like i need some joe90 love, so spread some of it over my way!

it's sooo gloomy here, isn't it amanda?

okay, i'm leaving. happy monday, everyone (even though that is an oxymoron, but just try it - maybe it will happen!)

-- Chris{notSeefried} (, April 17, 2000


I felt obligated to reply to this cuz I was mentioned.. and I felt like rambling as well ;)

Yes, it is gloomy and ~freezing~ here! I had to run in a little tank top and shorts in this terrible weather... brr! Oh well, I'm still alive ;)

I made a new Joe 90 fan today!!! I let her borrow the CD cuz when I took my discman away she said she was going through withdrawal without listening to them, and I didn't want the poor girl to get sick ;)

I'm getting my hair cut Thursday, yipee! My mom mentioned something about going to the Hilliard concert, which is good cuz I didn't bring it up and it means she still knows I wanna go! I mean, come on, it's only $99 round trip!! =)

Anyhoo, I'm gonna shut up now and go back to my little cave of darkness.


-- Amanda Joy (, April 17, 2000.

i also wanted to say yay its amanda joy :] where you been!?

hillard eh? hehehe. we're all some crazy folk.

i had a dream last night that incorporated joe 90 and my work. seeing the band in our fun little headsets was hilarious.

but im dreaming about work. i need help.

-- erin (, April 19, 2000.

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