Drainfields and Raised bedsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are looking at a piece of property w/ a mobile home. The drainfield is in the best location for a garden. We want to do raised beds. The realtor told us that many people here (Alaska) WANT their gardens over their drainfields for the extra heat...Is this a safe pratice?
-- Rick Shields (heritage@mtaonline.net), April 16, 2000
Hi Rick: Do you mean the leachfield from the septic system? I've had a garden on top of a leachfield but down hill is a question. Hey pretty neat Alaska! If you buy it write back in and say how your doing.....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), April 17, 2000.
Rick: We put in a leach field last summer which is 8-10 ft. underground here in the Interior but as you know Alaska is huge so it may depend where you live. Our raised beds are next to our house. I'll ask around and see if someone has any info here in DJ. Good luck. N. Lucas
-- Norma Lucas (trooper806@webtv.net), April 17, 2000.
I built my raised beds on top of my leechfield last 2 years running. Cuts down on the watering you have to do! As far as being safe, seems to be. My wife's grandparents are still alive and kicking and have always had their garden where the leechfield was.Just don't go and dump toxic chemicals out into your septic system and you'll be fine...
-- Eric Stone (ems@nac.net), April 21, 2000.