Does my worm have to have high loyalty? : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

To get a Beaclon does my worm have to have high loyalty? How much?

-- Crappy Trainer (, April 15, 2000


Yes. He must have 80 or more loyalty.

-- Megan Fleming (, April 15, 2000.

How can I make it higher?

-- Crappy Trainer (, April 15, 2000.

The easiest way is to give it a smoked snake to keep your training style at even. Other ways to raise loyalty, but that will have a negative effect is to save your game and give it a magic banana. The banana will typically increase loyalty +5 or +10, or decrease loyalty +5 and +10. If it goes +10, you lose a week of lifespan, if it goes - 10, it gains a week of lifespan. I suggested you save your game in case you don't get the effect you want, but overall it is quicker and cheaper to use a Smoked Snake.

-- Tony (, April 15, 2000.

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