Where have I seen Luka's leukemia patient before??greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
The guy who played Luka's leukemia patient tonight - what other shows or movies has he been on? I don't know his name in real life, but I know I've seen him before on something but I can't remember what!
-- Melanie (msintn@hotmail.com), April 14, 2000
He played Kevin Arnold's father on "The Wonder Years."
-- Arianne (CarolRossSusanGreene@yahoo.com), April 14, 2000.
Yes, and if I remember correctly he also had heart problems on the wonder years.My mother was cracking up 'cause when Luka asked him if he had a history of heart problems he said "no" and I said "YES!" at the exact same time.
Meh, I guess you had to be there. The parallels between the two characters were sorta funny.
-- Anna (azuraine@yahoo.com), April 14, 2000.
He was known most probably as Kevin's father on the 70's era show "The Wonder Years". It was around in the early 90's. I know I've seen him in a lot of other stuff too, esp. guest appearances and made for TV movies, but I can't think of them right now. He looked a lot heavier on ER though, and of course sickly, I didn't recognize him at first.
-- Elaine (mrsclooney78@hotmail.com), April 14, 2000.
He was also on the short lived "George Carlin Show" on Fox.
-- Joseph (JH4679@aol.com), April 14, 2000.
He also played Bailey's wrestling coach on "Party of Five."
-- Barbara Sirois Doyle (barbara@sirois.com), April 14, 2000.
In the last epi of the Wonder Years, Kevin mentions that he died years later of a HEART ATTACK!!!
-- Stephanie (Looney425@aol.com), April 14, 2000.
This isn't about that guy, but the man who played the father of the car-wreck kid was Bif from Back to the Future.
-- Cai (mohawk@xmission.com), April 14, 2000.
I recognized the guy from THE WONDER YEARS, though I hated that show! I didn't recognize Bif though. Thanks for pointing that out.
-- Diana (dilynne@juno.com), April 14, 2000.
I don't think ER isn't through with this storyline yet. I seem to recall reading that in the next new episode, docs find that his son in a bone marrow match, but his wife won't allow him to donate. Remember that he mentioned several times about going through a messy divorce and his wife using his son against him. That's sad to hate someone so much that you once vowed to spend the rest of your life with.
-- Carin (cdenisehaze@usa.net), April 14, 2000.
Are you sure that was Biff??? Back to the Future is my all-time favorite movie (I'm not just saying that, it really is) and it did not sound like him at all, and it only looked slightly like him. Is that really the actor, sorry for doubting your comment, I know it's been over 10 years since the last of the trilogy, but I just don't see it! :)Also, I remember that about Kevin's dad on The Wonder Years too...that last show was one of the best series finales I've seen...sorry, doesn't have much to do with this!
-- Elaine (mrsclooney78@hotmail.com), April 15, 2000.
I don't think that Dan Lauria played Biff.
-- Carin (cdenisehaze@usa.net), April 15, 2000.
I'm probably wrong. I haven't seen back to the future in a long time. My dad pointed that out, though, and it sort of looked like him.
-- Cai (mohawk@xmission.com), April 15, 2000.
elaine..this is totally off the point, but you said that the ending episode of the wonder years was the best ever, what happened on it? i have never seen it!
-- Alexis (lexicat1@webtv.net), April 16, 2000.
I looked up the name of the actor who played Biff on BACK TO THE FUTURE: Thomas F. Wilson. I've taped over the ending credits from Thursday's ER, so if anyone still has them, they can check if interested to see if the dad of the Cleo's car-accident patient was him or not.
-- Diana (dilynne@juno.com), April 16, 2000.
carin, dan lauria played the guy with lukemia, they are saying that the teenage boy's father played biff. so, they are talking about 2 different guys here.
-- Alexis (lexicat1@webtv.net), April 17, 2000.