Usefull things to do with dryer sheets! : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Did you know all these wonderful things a "Bounce sheet" can do? (Alright, I didn't either..sent to me by my mother)

1)Repel mosquitoes - Tie a sheet of Bounce through a belt loop when outdoors during mosquito season.

2)Eliminate static electricity from your television screen - Since Bounce is designed to help eliminate static cling, wipe your television screen with used sheet of Bounce to keep dust from resettling.

3)Dissolve soap scum from shower doors - Clean with a used sheet of bounce.

4)Freshen the air in your home - Place an individual sheet of Bounce in a drawer or hang one in the closet. (We knew this!)

5)Prevent thread from tangling - Run a threaded needle through a sheet of Bounce to eliminate the static cling on the thread before sewing.

6)Eliminate static cling from pantyhose - Rub a damp, used sheet of Bounce over the hose.

7)Prevent musty suitcases - Place an individual sheet of Bounce inside empty luggage before storing.

8)Freshen the air in your car - Place a sheet of Bounce under the front seat.

9)Keep the shock away - Place a sheet in your coat pocket to avoid the shock you get getting in and out of the car in the winter.

10)Clean baked-on food from a cooking pan - Put a sheet in the pan, fill with water, let sit overnight, and sponge clean. The anti static agents apparently weaken the bond between the food and the pan, while the fabric softening agents soften the baked-on food.

11)Eliminate odors in wastebaskets - Place a sheet of Bounce at the bottom of the wastebasket.

12) Collect cat hair - Rubbing the area with a sheet of Bounce will magnetically attract all the loose hairs. (Kewl! Who knew?)

13) Eliminate static electricity from venetian blinds - Wipe the blinds with a sheet of Bounce to prevent dust from resettling.

14) Wipe up sawdust from drilling or sand papering - A used sheet of Bounce will attract sawdust like a magnet.

15) Eliminate odors in dirty laundry - Place an individual sheet of Bounce the bottom of a laundry bag or hamper.

16) Deodorize shoes or sneakers. Place a sheet of Bounce in your shoes or sneakers overnight so they smell great in the morning.

17) Another thing you can do with them is to hang the sheets outside your doors to keep the flies from congregating and getting in your house every time the kids open the door. You don't have to use the expensive sheets either, the no-name brand dryer sheets work well. Place them in a work shed that has no air-conditioning and is wide open and you will never have a fly.

-- kritter (, April 13, 2000


Also good for:

Deodorizing closets-place new sheets in between stored linens/clothes/

Deodorizing cars-put new sheets under seats.

Deodorizing any area where dead rodents (sorry squirrl king) have been found. One of the best de-scenters around!!

-- Aunt Bee (, April 13, 2000.

Thanks. I knew a few of these, but will try many others. Bill will like them also. He will especially like the one about keeping the flies away.


-- Jean Schenker (, April 14, 2000.

If you are a quilter, use dryer sheets for paper piecing instead of paper. Copy your pattern onto the dryer sheet and sew as directed. Saves peeling the paper off and won't dull your needle.

-- Mary Lou Cook (, April 17, 2000.

Regarding Quilting: Is quilting just sewing with a layer of tufting in between? Is it just a matter of sewing squares/patterns and pulling the tufting stuff up in each one? Can I make a quilt on my sewing machine? (Questions from the quilting impaired) I like the quilt on my bed, it was a wedding gift,..but it's getting worn out now. I'd like to make a new one, using my own color scheme. How hard is it?

-- kritter (, April 17, 2000.


Quilting. I've been thinking about making a quilt myself. From what I have read, this is the way that a quilt is constructed.

1) Cut out all of the shapes (squares) that you need.

2) Sew them together with a 1/4" seam allowance, press the seams to one side.

3) When the quilt "top" is complete, layer the back material, the batting (the stuff in the middle), then the top. Hand tack it into place or pin the heck out of it.

4) Quilt it. You can quilt by machine or by hand. I don't have the room for a full quilt frame, so when I make one I'll quilt it on the machine.

Remember to always pre-wash the cotton material (or whatever you are using) to get the shrinkage out before you cut. You'll need to iron it after you wash it to get those nasty wrinkles out. The ironing alone is a reason for me not to quilt. :) If you are using cotton, fold over and sew a very fine seam before you wash so that the material won't ravel while being washed. There are TONS of web sites out there for quilts, and I'm sure one will tell us "how to" do it correctly.


-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), April 18, 2000.

These things actually kill deer mice! What's in them?

-- Allan J. Landwer (, August 19, 2002.

Didn't ever try killing deer mice. Guess I didn't stuff enough down their throats or sumtin' .....

When are they in season? 8<)

Can you only hunt the does? Or the donots, which I guess are the males?

What if you try to hunt to hunt a deer mice boar, and you hit right in the middle of its hole. Do you get to try again?

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (, August 20, 2002.

They'll be in season for you(or your estate) after you get the Hanta virus from one!

-- Deer Mice Hunting (, September 09, 2002.

This is more of a question. I just tried "BOUNCE" dryer sheets for the first time. Although I liked the fresh scent, I found the sheets to be ridiculously small and almost completely non-absorbant. In fact, I went through the entire box and my clothes are still wet. Who buys these things?

-- Paul Porto (, September 28, 2002.

Didn't you hang them BETWEEN every other piece of clothes on the clothes line?

Man. Ya gotta wonder about these newbies sometimes ...

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (, September 28, 2002.

I heard these things can actually repel bees and wasps, is this true?

-- Robbie Yarber (, March 21, 2004.

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