Beaclon : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

Ok..some more questions..when a worm evolves into a Beaclon, does it keep ALL the stats the worm had (i.e. Pwr, Int, Attacks, etc.)? and..after beaclon hatches out of the cocoon, is it brand new (0yrs. 0mon.)? Any help would be cool. Thanks! ~=BlueJell=~

-- BlueJell (, October 29, 1999

Answers Same stats EXACTLY and it will be 4 yrs. old, or whenever it hatched. It's basiclly a new body for the worm.

-- Neo (, October 29, 1999.


can it learn any new attacks that the worm couldnt?

-- BlueJell (, October 29, 1999.


But the attacks for the Beaclon are completely different from the worm's -- and you start off with only a couple, as if you had just hatched a new monster from a CD. This can be a problem. While training my Worm (man, that sounds obscene!), I got his Life all the way up to about 850, and a couple other stats in the 300s, but then the Beaclon was ready to die at age 6. Which means I only had my first Beaclon for about a year and a half, and you need errantries to get any worthwhile techniques. I had visions of cruising through the M4 with my high Life, but it just didn't happen that way.

-- G.S. (, October 29, 1999.


I would just like to say how do you get a worm to live long enough to hatch into a beaclon cause i cant do it

-- Chris kramchuck (Chris(chriser, November 03, 1999.


The firsat worm I raised I got to turn. It kept all it's stats and number of attacks just changed into bealcom attacks. But I got it to live that long fighting alot and taking goiod care of it and very few drugs

-- Andy (, November 11, 1999.

-- Miss Carrie (, April 13, 2000

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