keeping monsters at right weight bracket : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

Can someone please tell me how to keep my monsters from getting to skinny?? it seems like every time l raise one, they always hit skinny, and l dont want it to affect their lifespan. l know about candy , but l just cant seem to give my monsters enough of them to get them even to "thin" What do I do???????????????????????

-- foster (, February 08, 2000 Answers Cup jellies make your monsters lose weight - don't feed it to them. Meat increases weight more than any other type of food.

Don't feed them powders.

Don't train/battle too long without resting.

2 - 3 rests with candies should be able to turn your monster from skinny to slim or from slim to normal.

-- RNA (RNA@Ribosome.nuc), February 08, 2000.


For one thing, everyone telling you to substitute Nuts Oil for regular Rest is off-base: Rest increases the amount of time a monster has lived without shortening their projected lifespan left to go, thereby making longer-lived monsters with about the same stats. But that's a side issue: The main thing is that if you rarely give your monster a week of natural Rest, and keep using Nuts Oil to replace it (rather than to extend out a monster's active time here and there, or recover quickly from severe exhaustion after Errantry), it will get really skinny. If you use Rest instead of Nuts Oil, though, most monsters will start to get fat rather than skinny. My suggestion is to just keep using Candy on skinny monsters, and Powder on fat monsters, and as long as you don't let them stay fat/skinny for more than a month, it won't affect lifespan.

-- Nate Railsback (, February 08, 2000.

-- torey luvullo (, April 13, 2000

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