New Tactic for Good Stats: RNA and Wildcard please read (repost) : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

I have this new tactic that i am trying out on my Jill/Pixie right now. His stats are Generation :1st!!!

Age : 3 years 2 month

Lif: 342

Pow: 999

Int: 186

Ski: 780

Spd: 108(ouch)

def: 305

My tactic is once you get a monster old enough to do hard drills almost everytime. You should do this (hard,light,hard,light) with these items (nut oil,mint leaf,nut oil,mint leaf)i never let him rest and he will never need to rest except after expeditions. After you get about 2500 points of stats or 3000 switch over to wild cards technique which will give you more even stats (thats what i am in the process of doing)I have never tried this before this monster and it seems like it is working out very well This is my first generation monster and im sure a second genereation monster would have even much high stats. I still belive this tactic has much hope.

I have another thoery I have never tested and im not sure what will happen all i know is it will take a lot of time. I wonder if you saved before every drill and if you got anything else but a great reload untill you got a great. I dont know what effects if you get a great or not but if its random it seems this might work. I dont know if it would be worth the time but its just a thoery.

I would love to her some response form top this post form so other master besides me such as eagle, rna, wildcard and anyone else who is good.

The point of this post is to help people trying to raise their rank and to her what other people have to say about this technique. One warning though is you need a lot of money becuase you have to spend at least 800 a month plus you have to feed it food at the begning of the month. But i encourage people to give it a try or at least post their response to this tactic.

-- snowboarder (, January 25, 2000


sounds good but, I have one question. What about wieght and style items?(candy,smoked snake,powder,apple cake) I use a lot of these items troughout a monsters lifespan especially when I feed tablets and meat my monsters get fat once every three months. Have you factored these in or does your raising style keep them from wieght problems?

-- tjmax (, January 25, 2000.

tjmax your an excellent trainer and about the , candy thing i forgot about that but every once and awhile it would get fat or thin or something like that but then you can subsitute a candy or powder what ever is need in for the first mint leaf each month. I only had trouble with we weight about every 6 months. One question though how long do jills live with gold and silver peach this is my first one ive raised fully.

-- snowboarder (, January 25, 2000.

hey! i guess that that is pretty good...! but just asking... how do you combine with a jill? cause my jill/jill when is combined with another jill/jill only gets around 200 on everything...?? i don't get that? but my durahan gets around 300-500 on everything.. it's kinda weird..!

well i'll tell you my tactic.... train it on what it likes first..and on skills too... then when your monster is at the high point of it's life.. train it on what it doesn't like... cause getting 20 on things that it likes is a waste.. cause it could be getting like 25-35.. instead...! feed it golden peach on it's peak... then silver peach...! and it'll totally help on what it doesn't like... and yeah.. never let it rest.. but maybe on it's birthday.. =)

when your monster is about to die.. maybe like 5 more months or something... battle it over and over... battle it.. then bring it to town and freeze it.. bring another guy out entil you battle it again.. cause you get like 15X3 for 1 week better then getting 3-4.. but battling it.. you lose like 1-3 weeks! but your still getting 15 per day which is better then 3-4...! oh yeah... never battle it when it's a baby or anything.. only battle when it's about to die.. cause that's how i messed up on my guy.. =(! This is my durahan

Life: 850 Power: 920 Int: 109 Skill: 956 Speed: 405 Def: 965

isn't that good.. cause i battled i when it was little.. i'm soo bad.. shit... only lived 5 years and 11 months... well that's about it.. but remember to feed it ML,NO, and anything that gets him fat.. because ML, and NO, makes him skinny!

-- Samuel (, January 26, 2000.

I think that your method works quite well. Though, I would prefer to stay with a constant training program instead of switching styles in the middle of a monsters life. Still, you said yourself that there was more research to do. Good luck to you, snowboarder!

Getting a "Great" on every drill only serves to spoil the monster more and raise its fatigue slightly (despite the high stat gains). With a continuous number of "Greats," you would also see a decrease in the stat gains (i.e A monster that gets 15-20 on a hard drill will start with 15-20, weaken to 12-18 after three or four "Greats," and would drop to about 8-15 after eight or more.). Plus, the incomprehensible number of times you have to reset REALLY takes away the fun of the game. I have actually had experiences where it seemed that the only time my monster would succeed in a drill is when it got a "Great." However, if you take a break from training in a particular stat, you will see that, in a few weeks, you will be able to get 15-20 pts. on a stat. Hence, if taken in moderation, I suppose that you could get 15-20 every time.

As for the Jill....mine usually live around an approximation of 6-8 years for a first generation (haven't raised a second, yet).

-- Eagle Fierce (, January 26, 2000.

A style that included: (HT,LT,HT,LT) is almost the same as (HT,HT,HT,rest). This is because [LT X 2 = HT + k(constant)]

The max points received from a LT is 15 points. So, LT X 2 = 30points. While a hard train will net you a max of 30 points minus the decreasing stat. So, a hard train can get you 30 - 3 = 27 points.

Although you will theoretically get 3 more points/month using (HT,LT,HT,LT), you will not get the extra rest at the end of the month.

You have tipped the balance - more points will mean less control of weight. Is it worth it? I don't know, since I have never tried (HT,LT,HT,LT).

If you read Azn-beast's method, he says that you should reload on "greats" only if your monster likes that particular drill for that week. Apparently, there is a higher percentage of getting a "great" when this is done.

My Jill lived 7yrs 4m. It was a 1st gen and it also used both peaches.

-- RNA (RNA@Ribosome.nuc), January 26, 2000.

That's pretty in depth, RNA! You, obviously, have the mind of a great Physicist.

-- Eagle Fierce (, January 26, 2000.

I tried that earlier in my career, and I ruined a second-gen Phoenix with it (It didn't even live to 5 years!).

-- Nate Railsback (, January 26, 2000.

What was the age of the parents? The age of the parents will drastically affect the lifespan of the offspring.

-- Eagle Fierce (, January 26, 2000.

Ah, but my ability in physics is not my strong suit. Actually, it's pretty weak.

-- RNA (RNA@Ribosome.nuc), January 26, 2000.

RNA is saying the truth but to control weight if you need to you may substitute a candy or powder what ever is need instead of the first mint leaf each month if you have a gemini pot and some dino tails and have no movement in stress.

-- snowboarder (, January 26, 2000.

Ok these are good i don't like em but they work. I Raised a gal/gali got his stats up on average 50 points and int to 999. First generation Lots of battles even first week i battled it!!! Then i took another DID SAME TACTICS mixed em i got GREAT INT about 900!!!! But My monsters live about 3.4 years..

-- Orthum (, January 26, 2000.

-- The Man (, April 12, 2000

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