Missouri Ozark land for salegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have 2.5 acres of land in southern Missouri just right for building your cabin and putting in a garden. A small creek runs across it about half-way. Covered with trees but has a few good clearings. I need $5000 for this,,,properties in area are going for $3000 an acre. Please respond to me at rhubble@pressenter.com. Parcel is rectangular in shape.
-- Robert R Hubble, sr (rhubble@pressenter.com), April 12, 2000
Where at in Missouri ? i live here and dont know of any land other than maybe RESORT land that goes that high..... Seems way pricey to me
-- Doc (thisisdoc@aol.com), April 16, 2000.
I don't want to move to Missouri, I don't think, but I would love to see prices like that around here! A 1 acre piece down the road from us sold for $110,000. It did have a hilltop view, and water, power, and septic. In town, a small building lot, literally in the backyard of someone else's place, (people are subdividing their lots) can't be found for less than $60,000...no view, nothing.Where will it ever end???
-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), April 16, 2000.
Sheepish - where are you? I want to make sure I never get anywhere near there!
-- Deborah (ActuaryMom@hotmail.com), April 18, 2000.
Yikes, sheepish! Though smaller lots here will go for more than twice that if they are on one of the bigger lakes. (Central NH)
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), April 18, 2000.
You all need to move to N.Y. with me ! I'd love the company .In the local paper -10 A 2 road fronts town water 10,000 or how about 85 A wood lot , sugar bush , apple trees ,stream owner financing 35,000
-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), April 18, 2000.
Why pay $3000/acre? Just go up to northern Mizzou where it's maybe $400/acre, if that. And taxes are probably lower. That's unimproved of course.
-- Dave (tidman@midiowa.net), April 19, 2000.
I live in Ava Missouri, just north of the Arkansas border and about and hour east of Branson. Land here runs between $500 to $1000 per acre.....house usually thrown in for free, hehehehe. CJ
-- CJ Tinkle (CJTinkle@goin.missouri.org), December 14, 2000.
Yes CJ, that sounds about right for this area also..the prices are going up some but not near the $3000 per acre mark. A wooded area across from me (35 acres) was recently sold into lots UGH.. Most of the people that purchased them paid way to much for the rocks they bought but it was all owner financed so they jumped on it. These people come from a larger town and they think they got a deal..so guess the old saying"in the eye of the beholder" is true. The lots are worth $500 an acre and these people paid $1200 and up and were sold in 5 acre lots.
-- lynn (mscratch@semo.net), December 14, 2000.
Try figuring this one out, the land around my sister's place is going for no less than $30,000 an acre!! No she's not in CA, she's in Iowa!!! Here in Illinois 2.5 acres would be snatched right up at $5000. tillable or not.
-- Lenore (archambo@winco.net), December 14, 2000.
how about Kansas? Land here is 420 to 550 an acre. I am in Morris County 20 acres with barn, garage sheds, house is 3 or 4 bdrms, needs lots of work for 45,000 also 4 acres barn garage sheds fruit trees big garden area, 22,000, house also needs work, ot 10 acres, fenced pasture for horses, very nice house, 99,900
-- sharon rossiter (slr@tctelco.net), April 24, 2001.
Now that would be about the right price if it had blacktop frontage and rural water or a well. He did not say what was on it. Maybe it is in a subdivission that would be about the right price then to. I live in Missouri to.
-- Teresa Bourgoin (c3ranch@hotmail.com), June 04, 2001.