
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Riddles, Polls, and Contests : One Thread

Is anyone still coming here on a daily basis?

-- Magma Bird (flashrun@altavista.com), April 12, 2000


I just started today.

-- andy (bill@sauro.com), April 13, 2000.

I would've if I could've but I couldn't.I posted for you at B's board if you still go there but You never really answered it.I just found the site again today.

-- candyman (andy_poke@hotmail.com), April 13, 2000.

i come when i can, m.b. - about every other day or so.

-- torey luvullo (dst10000@compuserve.com), April 14, 2000.

I come here every time I sign on to the new stuff and crap.Its one of my daily web sites

-- Ismael Bolivar (PlaCeBo162@aol.com), April 15, 2000.

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