To all Oz-based Mags : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Get yerselves down to and submit your contact details on Niall & Biffa's Toon Exiles in Oz section. For any other Sydney/NSW-based 'lurkers' out there, please feel free to get in touch and let's get some sort of a Toon supporters 'club' going. We had an excellent turn-out at Easts Leagues on Sunday - with folk coming up from Canberra & Newcastle - so there's plenty of interest and it's about time we got it sorted.

To Muzza, Paul, GeordieinOz, Julie, Lama, ?Alan (sorry, memory's a bit hazy) & others whose names I didn't catch - it was a pleasure to meet those of you I did for the first time. We outsung 'em. We outplayed 'em. Our time will come ......

-- Anonymous, April 10, 2000


Loony Toon I had a great night on Sunday at Easts Despite the result. Its a great idea to get the supporters club up and running. I'm happy to help in any way I can. Im sure GeordieinOz and Paul would be keen to get involved also.

Keep in touch

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

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