Job's Tears : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know of a source for the bead plant called Job's Tears which is used in making necklaces?

-- Rose Tripodi (, April 10, 2000


I have a pack that I got from Monticello ( Thomas Jeffersons Home) the address on the pack is: The Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants P.O. Box 316 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Sorry, no phnoe# on pack. Chris

-- Chris Dehne (, April 11, 2000.


how do you make a necklace from Job's Tears? this sounds delightful!

thank you

Imagonnaplantsome :)

-- Ima Gardener (, April 12, 2000.

Since posting the above request, I have found a delightful site for information about Job's Tears. It is I am still looking for places to purchase the seeds closer to Pennsylvania. Thanks.

-- Rose Tripodi (, April 12, 2000.

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