Wood ash in the gardengreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just realized that the foster kids have been putting the woodstove ashes into my garden all year. What effect will this have on the soil? Change Ph ? Should I shovel it off, mix it in... ideas?
-- Marci Brown (daleb@kent.net), April 08, 2000
Just rake the piles flat and till it in--I do that every year. They did great, that is where ash belongs in the garden. From dirt you came and to dirt you will return. Happy Gardening !!
-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), April 08, 2000.
Just be careful there isn't to much wood ash , and mix it in well . My father put ash in the strawberry bed one year and boy did they taste it !
-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), April 08, 2000.
My suggestion would be to get a garden test. That will tell you if you need to add anything. But most likely, depending upon the size of your garden and the amount of ashes, it looks like your kids did the right thing and you won't have to get any lime or perhaps potash this year. It all depends upon the state and size of your garden. annette
-- annette (j_a_henry@yahoo.com), April 08, 2000.
Putting wood ashes on your garden will raise the PH. I have been doing this for years. This year I took a ph test on it. Woe, its up to 7. So now I think I will have to get some sulfur and lower it.
-- Linda Hess (hesscat@cot.net), April 08, 2000.
Linda, Try pine needles or pine sawdust - those will help too.
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), April 08, 2000.
What about in the compost pile?
-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), April 10, 2000.
We spread the ashes on the garden all winter. Putting it on the compost pile, if any hot coals are left, leaves you with a smoldering compost pile, and whew can they smell! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 10, 2000.
Hi Marci, This year is my first large garden experience. We too are the transplants of the Y2K movement *G*. We have found a 12 acre farm that is 100 years old. I love it out here. Really rural. OUr garden spot was covered with 6 years of growth. We had a central burn pile and I spread it as best as I could. I planted my peas in a long row up a trellis and where they are over the burn pile they are coming up like gang busters. I would say 4 inches taller that the last of the row. I also have heard that potatos LOVE pine needles and to spread them all over the row of potatos. Mine are up and beautiful. Have fun and I believe that the Y2K think was the best thing that ever happen: I brought us to the deep country and we still have power, LOL. Karole
-- Karole (Biz3boymom@aol.com), April 12, 2000.
I had a burn pile in my garden spot one winter. Just tree limbs and cut brush. The next summer I planted my garden, and right where the burn pile was I happened to plant some spaghetti squash. Now, some of the squash was in the burn pile area and some wasn't. The plants that were in the burn pile area was 2 to 3 time bigger than the others. All plants were watered and mulched the same. The squash fruits were some bigger, but the main difference was in the plant itself.
-- Kellie Duncan (kashaa@ipa.net), April 12, 2000.