Studio Flash Sync w/Digi-Cameras : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Would like to know at what shutter speed digital cameras [specifically the Nikon 990 & Kodak 290] sync at with external flash systems. Do they have a default max-sync speed like most focal pain shutter cameras, or do they sync at all speeds like leaf shutters? Is it a problem to manually set the f-stop to accommodate the flash output, and then set the shutter speed to balance the ambient to the flash without camera/software interference? I like to shoot with the ambient light under exposed by a stop or two to add drama, is this digitally accomplishable at this hardware price/feature point?

Sorry for the basic questions, I understand conventional image making pretty thoroughly, but digital seems to be an animal unto itself.


-- JH (, April 07, 2000


I think most of the digitals on the market have only a 2 or 3 settings for speed or f stops. You have to read the specs on them to find out what they have and compare. I chose the Olympus 2020 as it has almost full manual controls hence external flash is easy to calibrate with it. I like the rotating controls of the SLR cameras but the camera bodies that use Digital are out of my league. I am not sure about the new Nikon 990 but the Oly works great on macro to long flash. I suspect the 3030 will do the same and I have printed out some really great 8 X 10 pictures using external flash ( I use a cheap Camcorder external flash bracket and an old Sunpak 411 set up that works like a champ and the flash has output strenngth setting and a swivel flash head so macro shots can be taken easily)Read a lot before you purchase a camera...Only problem with the Oly lines is SM cards vs CF. But now that 64 meg SM is available that is not so bad now. Good luck.....

-- Mike T. (, April 09, 2000.

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