Fuji MX 2900 & Olympus 2000Z (2nd hand )

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need to choose between these two models, although from different sources,co-incidently both 6months old with ask price of $650 each.(I'm in ZA...New price $1100!)I have read the reviews here but if anybody would like to share their expierances by giving their "2 cents worth" on issues needing special attention in either or both of these models, it would be humbly appreciated! I am concerned about the 2000z apparent loss of locking a sharp focus in low light and by some review accounts the length of time it then needs to shoot in these conditionshas been unpopular.I have been lead to believe there are similar complaints with the Fuji as well! IS THIS a issue ??? or just novice been novice? I'm keen to tackle and master the panoramic technology resources on the net by utilizing the digicam as the image provider and if anybody could give their advice on what they believe is the better choice for this specialist function I will too be thankfull for any respondants obliging. PS I'm keen on the 2000 ,the remote been a very valuable aid, but since the 2020 has been released with many improvements, Iv'e got the feeling I would be making a mistake if I ignore the Fuji . Whats your choice?

-- Hans Navratil (hans100@mweb.co.za), April 06, 2000


I can only advise you on usage of the 2000Z,a would be brilliant camera ,however the "soft touch" on/off and flying lens cap when the unit is switched drives me to distraction,along with the poor battery life ,which in part may be the result of the damn thing switching itself on and off while in my pocket(due to soft on off switching technology yawn!),low light focus in not a problem however the fast lens ability to cope with artificial lighting a strong point here However avoid this model,go for the later mpeg model with their real on/off switch in its matt black styling and you get a much stronger battery life and product,dont by an exper

-- frazer bird (frazerbird@yahoo.com), November 25, 2000.

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