Canning : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

While doing a seach on canning, I came across The Home Canning Message Board, Looks like there might be some good recipes. There's some other sites might be interesting esp. for new canners.

-- chickweed (, April 05, 2000


Thanks for posting that canning site. I've added it to my favorites to check out later. I don't know the source of this saying but it's true in this household: We eat what we can and what we can't, we can.


-- marilyn (, April 05, 2000.

Thank you so much for this site. I have been looking for one like this. Susie

-- Susie Goodart (, April 11, 2000.

I know a woman that loves to can. She canned 1000 jars, including the chickens' feet. Why? I don't know.

-- Cindy (, April 11, 2000.

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