Java: Tanker Carrying 600,000 Barrels of Oil Strikes Reef--cleanup in progress : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Clean-up continues after Indon oil spill

A clean-up operation is continuing following an oil spill in Indonesia.

More than 25 kilometres of coastline has been damaged on the island of Java.

Tourist beaches and fishing harbours have been affected by the spill.

The contamination began on Saturday when an oil tanker carrying 600,000 barrels of fuel struck a nearby reef.

The tanker was making its way into the Cilacap refinery on the south coast of central Java. A large stretch of coastline has now been affected.

Up to 1,000 local people are being paid by the state-owned oil company Pertamina to take part in the clean-up.

Pertamina management is considering whether it will sue the Singapore-based owners of the oil tanker.

But shrimp farm operators in the region have already announced they will take legal action.

-- Carl Jenkins (, April 05, 2000


Sounds like a navigation problem to me. Ships have been negotiating that coast line for many years without incident.

-- Loner (, April 06, 2000.

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