: LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Sometime back I asked about clever uses for stuff that accumulates around the house and got some good ideas. Well, the scavenger in me strikes again because I found some bale wrap netting on the side of the road. My cattlemen neighbors use this to compact the surface of the big round hay bales to make them more impervious to weathering from rain and snow. Anyway, it's a mesh large enough to get my hand through and I decided I would try to tie it to the greenhouse frame when we take the film off and grow vining crops on it. Since it didn't cost me anything I won't mind burning it when the season ends. I don't like burning plastics but it won't compost and if I take it to the dump, it will be there to possibly trap birds and other critters. Any other ideas for this stuff? I know where a lot of it has been thrown away and not in an ecologically sound manner.
-- marilyn (, April 04, 2000
Well here's a few sort of lame ideas (you may have to join a few):Hold down brush piles while they dry enough to set fire to.
Keep your load to the dump secured (big fines where I live if it looks like your stuff will fly out the back of your truck).
I'm not sure what the dimensions are (haven't seen in a while...this isn't cattle country around here) including width between courses, but could you use it for some kind of temporary fencing? Like stretch it between t posts to keep dogs or deer out of a garden?
Can you make a hammock? Or a structure to dry washed wool on? Bird netting? I'm reaching, huh?!! How about purse seining*???? LOL
*(a type of fish net)
-- sheepish (, April 04, 2000.
Taking the above even further....... How about hand made fish net stockings?
-- mike (, April 04, 2000.
Really like the above answers. On that note, gather it up and sell it on ebay, or the like, as 'deer net'! Recycle, and make a few 'bucks', too!
-- Kathy (, April 04, 2000.
Could it be used in the garden for a trellis for peas, beans or cucumbers? Could you use it as netting to protect your fruit trees or berry plants from birds, or is the mesh too big for that?
-- Patti (, April 10, 2000.