New episodes in April - : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Hi, I'm going to be travelling for 4 weeks and need to arrange for ER to be taped for me. I know there will be a new episode on 4/6 but I'm wondering when new ones will be aired for the rest of April and beginning of May. If anyone knows or can tell me where I can find out, that'd be very helpful. Please note, I don't want to know anything about upcoming episodes, except when they will be on. NO SPOILERS PLEASE
-- Chris Moraes (, April 03, 2000
This is my best guess, based upon what we know about April's schedule, but it *is* a guess: April 6 -- Viable Options (1); April 13 -- New (unknown) (2); April 20 -- Humpty Dumpty; April 27 -- New (unknown) (3); May 4 -- New (unknown) (4); May 11 -- New (unknown) (5); May 18 -- New (unknown) (6)
-- Phyl (, April 03, 2000.
The April 13 episode is titled "Match Made In Heaven."
-- Davon (, April 03, 2000.