Question on guest : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Hey everyone I have a tough question I don't kow if anyone's going to be able to answer. I was watching Lifetime Friday at 6:30 EST, watching the Golden Girls. It was the episode (for those of you who are fans) where the girls have a criminal for a next door neighbor. They had two cops, one old guy and a younger one staying with them. I can't be sure, but was the younger guy played by George Clooney? I swear it looked so much like him, just a LOT younger.
-- Chris (, March 31, 2000
Chris, that question wasn't that hard. Yes, it was George Clooney. Before he became famous as Dr. Ross on "ER" he was on "The Facts of Life", "Roseanne", "The Golden Girls", "E/R" (a comedy with Elliot Gould), the television version of "Look Who's Talking" and "Sisters". I have been a huge George Clooney fan for quite sometime. He also starred in the B-movie "The Return of the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". If I'm forgetting any shows would someone please email me and let me know. Thanks..
-- Carin (, March 31, 2000.
I saw the new issue of People last weekend at the grocery. Not the regular issue, but the little one that looks like a paperback and features one celebrity...might be called People Profile, something like that. The issue at the cash register featured George Clooney and mentioned all the shows Carin mentioned and more I think. Just thought you might like to know so you could pick up a copy.
-- Diana (, April 01, 2000.