WantedKodak Carousel Projector light bulbgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
In search of light bulb for Kodak Carousel Projector (THS). If you no longer use your projector, maybe you have a working bulb. Call or E-mail.
-- Pat Reed (wmreed@erols.com), March 31, 2000
Pat: I leave up threads like this because (1) other people may have the same question, and (2) this thread provides a great model of how the forum is meant to work.
-- Michael Berney (mgberney@yahoo.com), July 08, 2001.
Goto: www.PurelandSupply.comDiscount prices on every type of bulb!
-- Tim Stevens (Sales@PurelandSupply.com), October 25, 2000.
We went to the Pureland Supply site immediately and ordered 2 bulbs. They were here within a few days. Did you note that this is a NJ firm reading about us on our site? So watch what you post!M Berney - You can cut this thread in the next week.
-- Pat Reed (wmreed@erols.com), October 30, 2000.