BIG Spoiler for 04/13 : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN 04-13-00Ex-lovers Dr. Benton (Eriq La Salle) and a testy Dr. Corday (Alex Kingston) clash when Benton's current interest, Dr. Finch (Michael Michele), asks him to overrule Corday for surgery on a young boy (guest star Matt Doherty) who may have suffered internal injuries in a car crash. Abby (Maura Tierney) takes a big risk when she advises an exhausted pregnant wife (guest star Kerri Lee Green) with five children to undergo an abortion procedure against the wishes of her unsuspecting husband (guest star Bradley Gregg). Elsewhere, Dr.Greene (Anthony Edwards) must intimately care at home for his crotchety but humiliated father (guest star John Cullum) after the terminally ill man chases away his latest nurse. Dr. Carter (Noah Wyle) reacts harshly to one patient, offers a misplaced diagnosis to another and later offends Dr.Chen (Ming-Na) when they try to save a young girl. Dr. Romano (Paul McCrane) assumes personal command of the ER and displays his typically obnoxious charm.
-- Phantom (, March 30, 2000
It sounds good. I don't know where you find the spoilers so early. I read in today's paper that there will be three new episodes for April because there is a new medical drama starting up this week at 10 pm on Thursdays.
-- Elaine (, March 31, 2000.
Yeah, love the spoilers Phantom! Keep it up!
-- nancy (, March 31, 2000.
Hey, thanks! Happy to provide info where I can! I basically get alot of it off of other BBS's I lurk at, but I found this place called and they provide these detailed summaries 2 weeks before the eps air, so you guys can check it out too. Looking forward to next weeks ep, well, except Noah's hair maybe, haven't decided on the one yet! LOL!Phantom
-- Phantom (, March 31, 2000.
This is from TVGuide online: A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN: Patients include a woman with five children, a 16-year-old (Matt Doherty) who had a car accident and a worker Carter thinks is faking an injury. Not much, but maybe a little insight into some of Phantom's post above. BTW: a guest-star's name is Kerry Lee Green (character name Lynn. Mark and Kerry's love child maybe. :)
-- Diana (, April 01, 2000.