Beginner looking for lens need help : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am just beginning to get inro large format and I am looking for an inexpensive lens and shutter to get me started. I have a couple of questions on some lenses that I have come across. First does anyone know what the circle of view is on a 240 tele-xenar, will it cover 5X7? Also could someone tell me what it means when it says in DB under the lens discription. Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me.

-- Rob Oliver (, March 29, 2000


try - thet should have some information for you. As for what DB means, I'm as stumped as you are, sorry about that. BTW, I think that it might only fit 4x5 but I could be wrong - I can't check the site for you just now as it seems to be down. One other thing, you could got to a local camera fair - if, unlike me you actually have tem in your neck of the woods as there should be many people there who can help you. Hope this helps in some way

-- David Kirk (, March 30, 2000.

DB is the designation that indicates the special lens housing that goes along with the Sinar automatic shutter. See the Sinar website for some information. Do you live in the Pacific NW? There's a good camera fair coming up on April 22nd in Puyallup, Washington.

-- neil poulsen (, March 30, 2000.

I don't think so Rob. I couldn't give you the hard numbers on the image circle but I own one. On my old technika it will cover 4x5 but with no front moves...I can squeak in a little back move but I don't think its gonna cover 5x7.

-- Trib (, March 30, 2000.

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