kill : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Eric, could you tell me please, if there's any statement(or system SP) I can use to kill process instead of "KILL"? The reason why I ask you, I want to scheduled job that will look for the processes that running more then, say 5hrs and kill it. Since I don't know the SPID of this processes I would like to dynamically asign to a variable. But I can't do it with KILL as you know. Thank youAlbert
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2000
Albert,To KILL with a variable, try something like this:
declare @killspid int
declare @killcmd varchar(50)
set @killspid = 7 -- Calculate your spid here.
set @killcmd ='KILL ' + str(@killspid)
exec (@killcmd)
Hope this helps,
-- Anonymous, March 29, 2000