Barbara Walters interview w/ Kellie Martin on the View : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Sorry for the short notice, but I just found out that Kellie Martin will be doing a Barbara Walters interview on The View today (Wed., March 29) at 10 AM (in Chicago) on ABC. Just thought I would let all the Kellie Martin fans know!
-- cherry (, March 29, 2000
Thanks for the tip....I'm going to miss the interview (that's work for you!), but I'd really appreciate if someone could let me know what they talked about.
-- Emma (, March 29, 2000.
I missed it too! If anyone saw it and there was mention of ER, please post what you can. Thanks!
-- Diana (, March 29, 2000.
kellie martin talked to barbara walters about kellie's sister who died of lupus, and about how kellie is advocating for knowledge about lupus and other immuno-deficiancy (sp?) diseases. they didn't really talk about er, except at the end barbara walters said something like, "we're all sad that you were killed off on er", but that was pretty much it, unless i'm forgetting something, the someone please correct me :)
-- Marcia (, March 29, 2000.
Thanks...and I was wondering if someone could post when the interview with Kellie Martin on Regis and Kathie Lee will rerun. I know this would probably be a long way off, but if anyone remembers my message here when it is shown again, please let me, and others, know. I don't know any way of finding out who's on talk shows, my newspaper doesn't give that information.
-- Elaine (, March 29, 2000.
Kellie is now the spokesperson for the Auto- Immune Diseases Institute or something like that, so that's what they talked about. Not much about ER.
-- cherry (, March 30, 2000.