Desk : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Can someone give me a rundown on the current desk staff? I sort of know who Randi and Andrew are, and I remember Jerry and Cynthia, but it seems like there are more of them than that.
-- Felicity (, March 24, 2000
There's another girl. I think her name is Amira.
-- Dreampot (, March 24, 2000.
Wasn't Bob desk staff? Maybe she wasn't, I can't remember, that was quite a long time ago!!
-- Leigh (, March 24, 2000.
And what about E-ray? I think he was a clerk like Jerry... Now that's comic relief!
-- nancy (, March 24, 2000.
The current desk clerks are: Randi and Amira. Andrew was temporary and Cynthia Cooper left a long time ago. I have NO idea what happened to Jerry!
-- Stephanie (, March 24, 2000.
Oh yeah, E-Ray, he was great!!
-- Leigh (, March 24, 2000.
where is that new guy????
-- rachel (, March 24, 2000.
Here are all the ones I can think of: Timmy (Piolt), Bob, Jerry, Cynthia, Andrew, Amira, Frank, Randi, E. Ray. I'll post more as I think of them.
-- Teddy (, June 18, 2001.