If you died tonight...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Touch the Flame : One Thread

If you were to die tonight with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them?

-- Meghan (faeriebaby@hotmail.com), March 23, 2000


This is a hard one. I really don't know.

I've got someone I'd like to thank for being such a decent person, and let him know how special he is to me in so many ways.

I've got a friend who has no clue how much she means to me.

I've got a friend I tend to neglect, but who means more to me than she knows.

I know a guy who has no clue that I have feelings for him.

I need to get on these things. But sometimes, speaking is the most difficult action.

-- Piper (piperdane@yahoo.com), March 23, 2000.

I actually try to live with this in mind every day. Granted, I don't always do the best job, but I try to tell people what they mean to me. The problem is this freaks people out. Most people in our culture are not used to any sort of closeness or emotion. Coolness is prized amongst hipsters, and professionalism among .. professionals. Telling someone they mean a lot to you does not fit in there very well...

-- David Grenier (retro@retrogression.com), March 23, 2000.

I'd tell my ex-husband that I did, in fact, know he was cheating on me, ask him why he did it, after which I'd thoroughly beat the crap out of him...then I'd happily die in peace.

-- Sasha (sasha@restraint.org), March 23, 2000.

In the past 15 years, I have lost my best friend and two of my children. These deaths have taught me that you never put off, even for a minute, telling people the things you want to say to them. If I were to die tonight, I feel there is nothing left unsaid to anybody I love.

-- Bev Sykes (basykes@dcn.davis.ca.us), April 01, 2000.

If I was to die tonight and didn't tell anybody anything, I guess the thing I would regret the most would be that I didn't tell them how I really felt about them. That's my biggest problem now and I'm working on that.

-- Sara (TrumpetPlaya03@yahoo.com), April 10, 2000.

If I died tonight I would most regret not telling my friends how much they really do mean to me, hell even the people i rarely talk to. I don't know why i haven't told them I guess that's just part of being shy you get up the guts to tell them something then you just can't bring yourself to do it.

-- kelly mcg! (jacksfan30@aol.com), April 14, 2000.

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