An emmy : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I really think that the stabbing scene should get an emmy nomination for the best er episode. I am so sick of them sopranos. I mean what is the number 1 tv show anyways.
-- Splash (, March 19, 2000
I agree! I'm sooo tired of hearing about that show. Not every body has HBO, so it can't be the best if not everyone can enjoy it. I'm sure it's good but, it can't be that good. Only ER is that good.
-- Danie (, March 19, 2000.
I don't know guys, as the mother of 2 yr old twins & a 9 month old, I don't get a lot of TV time. The only 2 shows I tape are the Sopranos and ER and let me tell you - the Soprano's has got it going on. ER can be pretty predictible but EVERY episode of the Sopranos is a wild ride! Face it - just because WE love ER, there are other shows out there and this one is good.
-- Linda (, March 19, 2000.
what is the sopranos about anyway?
-- Alexis (, March 19, 2000.
I agree, the Sopranos are good, but I felt that ER, should be nominated and win. It is, obviously my most fav. to watch, but they should get some kind of recognition, it is at its seventh year runnning and looks like there are more to come. Sopranose just came out this year, didn't they? Anyway, with a show that has been around as long should win, not every show is as successful. Hope that makes sense!!
-- Paula (, March 20, 2000.
I dunno, I'm not a huge fan of the Sopranos, I always feel like I'm missing something. Like I would understand it more if I was Italian or something, I don't know. Just leaves me feeling unsatisfied. ER, on the other hand...
-- (, March 22, 2000.
The Sopranose is an excellent show but is it only going to be on HBO? How can such a high quality show be shown to such a limited audience. The interplay between Soprano and his wife and between Sopranop and his female psychiatrist are priceless. I see that series 1, 2 and 3 are on sale in record stores.
-- John John (, March 04, 2001.