Keeping Up With Things Church...hires a preacher : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Setting: The office of the Keeping Up with Things Church. Characters: Bro. Abouttobehired Bro. Elder #1, #2, #3

Bro. Elder #1, "Welcome, Bro. ATBH. We trust your flight was a pleasant experience?"

Bro. ATBH, "Yes, the flight was pleasant and my wife is enjoying the Hotel shopping and the pool."

Bro. Elder #1, "We have looked over all your University records and transcripts, reviewed the 2-part video, reviewed your answers to the 100 question application, and, also, checked with your last four Elderships. We are certainly impressed with your qualifications."

Bro. Elder #3, "Yes, we feel fortunate that you were led by the Spirit to apply for this position in our staff."

Bro. ATBN, "I'm sure I will have true happiness working for you, Bros. Eldership. There is one thing we haven't discussed, however. I attend 10 lectureships/workshops a year and want to continue to do so."

Bro. Elder #2, "Well, I'm not sure that will go over very well, Bro. ATBN. That will take quite a hunk of your time and you will be needed here to uplift, and care for, the needs of the members. We have several older members who are often ill and even at times, in the hospital, who will expect your daily visits."

Bro. ATBN, "I understand...however, Bros. Eldership, I don't believe you realize the impact these lectureships and workshops will have on this good Church. Many new and proven ideas for growth are put forth each year. The speakers at the Blowout Worships, along, are grounded in the best ways to motivate the members. Until I began going to the Blowout Workshop each year, I had no idea the power of those great speakers. They are known throughout the brotherhood for their ability to stir people up. Seldom will you find a speaker there who does not hold the title *Doctor*. Why last year Bro. Highly Educated spoke and he has a Ph.D in communication. He was a joy to listen to. At these workshops we are able to sit at the feet of real Spirit filled Pulpit Ministers."

Bro. Elder #!, "Now Bros Fellow-Elders, Bro. ATBN has a point. If he can be refreshed to do a better job for us, maybe we should consider the worships/lectureships."

Bro Elder #3, "I would agree if the Worship/Lectureships could be cut to, say, three a year."

Bro. Elder #2, "Are you in agreement with that, Bro. ATBN?"

Bro. ATBN, "I believe that is reasonable, Bros. Eldership. I can live with that. Along with the Blowout Worship, Stand and Shout is a must. Why..Bros. Eldership until you can experience the excitement of the crowd as Bro. Emotional presents his program at Stand and Shout you cannot know what real emotion is. The Holy Spirit fills that great man as he "breaks to us the Bread of life." And the Spirit of God moves throughout that great crowd of witnesses."

Br. Elder #1, "Bro. ATBN, I'm excited just hearing you describe what goes on at Stand and Shout. Maybe I will make arrangements to attend with you this year..on the Church expense account."

Bro. ATBN, "You will not be disappointed, Br. Elder #1. I will decide later if my third choice will be the lectureship at Libertine or another of our fine universities. We must show our people that we support our great universities, don't you know."

Bro. Elder #2, "So, Bro. ATBN, are you agreeing to accept this fine position?"

Bro. AboutToBeHired, "Yes, indeedy! I happily accept your offer, Bros. Eldership. Let us all give thanks to God for placing me in this fine Church."

Bros. Eldership, "Amen and amen."

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2000



Some of us here have been asking that for months.

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000

Can I ask, what's your point?

-- Anonymous, March 20, 2000

Nelta, are you hostile to the hiring procedure in many churches Or are you hostile that a man of God might want to go to conferences? I agree... what is indeed your point? Or is it your interpretation of "Spirit Filled"?

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000

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