I need a camera for long lens sports digital photography

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What would be the best digital still camera for sports photography. peferably one that handles low light situations and has optical viewfinder with manual control of speed and focus. Are there digital cameras with interchangable lenses that would suit. I would like to be able to print up to 8x10 quality. Perhaps I am asking for the impossible cause I have searched the web for some time. Please help me find my dream camera. Cheers, Paul

-- Paul Harrington (pharry@es.co.nz), March 17, 2000


As far as the lens goes, you probably cant do better than a Mavica FD 91. Check this location for more:


-- Tony Brent (ajbrent@mich.com), March 18, 2000.

Nikon D1

-- Keat Lim (keatlim@my-deja.com), March 18, 2000.

canon d2000 for so much EF L serial you can choose especialy the IS L lense in shooting sports.

-- matthew (mazhijun@iname.com), March 18, 2000.

Thanks I guess it all depends on $$. I see the canon d2000 costs around US$18,500. Phew!

-- Paul Harrington (pharry@es.co.nz), March 18, 2000.

I've just had a look at Minolta's Dimage RD 3000. It comes as a kit with four interchangeable lenses. The longest one is a zoom with a range of 80 to 240mm (approx 120 to 360mm as a 35mm equivalent). It's a true SLR design with a resolution of 2.7 Megapixels, and certainly looks the business.

The kit price, I've been told by a Minolta rep, is about $6000 US, which makes it the cheapest professional standard Digital SLR you can get, taking into account the price of the lenses.

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), March 20, 2000.

We just finished testing the Nikon D1, hope to have the review posted soon (within a week?) Meanwhile, we just received a Minolta RD3000 the other day, should have something up on it within the next 3-4 weeks. (We're seriously backed-up, as usual, but digging out.) The RD3000 is quite bulky, but the deal mentioned with the large kit of lenses makes it one of the better bargains out there. We'll see how the image quality stacks up...

-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), March 23, 2000.

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