How do I photograph crome without ugly reflections? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am taking digital photographs of chrome objects, but the result is always a poor-looking reflection which I can't use. Any advice?

-- Rob Moran (, March 17, 2000


If you can't get lighting which doesn't reflect, you might look for some type of spray that will kill the brightness, but something that will come off easily. A photo store might have something that will do the trick.


-- Rodger Carter (, March 17, 2000.

I'm not sure what you mean by "ugly" reflections: do you want the reflections to be reduced (i.e., "they're ugly -- get rid of them!"), or enhanced (i.e., "I want better-looking reflections")?

If you want to reduce the reflections, you might want to consider a circular-polarizing filter for your camera... You can rotate the filter (thereby adjusting the angle of polarization) to minimize surface reflections from glass, chrome, etc..

-- Courtney Gibson (, March 17, 2000.

Perhpas a better looking photographer would reflect better... ;o)

-- Dan Desjardins (, March 18, 2000.

Definitely a polarizing filter is in order.

-- Defiler (, March 18, 2000.

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