cf, batteries, etc. : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


Took the plunge & ordered coolpix800 after reading about accompany. I got mine for $375 - $75 (promo) = $300!

I know this is premature since I haven't gotten my camera yet but I want to get a head start on searching for a 64MB compact flash (cf) card & a set of rechargable betteries (Li-ION or NiCAD).

First what is a good brand/place to buy a cf for the coolpix? Is it better to stick with nikon branded cf?

Second is there rechargable Li-ION batteries for this camera? I know nikon lists it in the options' specsheet but was wondering if there are others? AFAIK I thought Li-ION is better than NiCAD?

Third, is the coolpix pack (filters, batteries, bag) worth investing the money or will I be better off buying separately?

TIA. Robert

-- Robert Sato (, March 15, 2000

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