Mark aka Cavscout & Lisa aka Netghost. I swear to God you two are like a couple of little kids who just don't know when to give it a rest. : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

If you had just let me go on my merry way, I would have forgotten all about you. But, noooo. You had to keep jabbing me with the equivalent of a cyberstick...for how many months now? Guess what, it doesn't hurt anymore. Besides, all the harassment you've given me has just given me the opportunity to prove to people that I'm not the bitch you two have made me out to be.


I told cpr a long time ago that it had to be you two, because nobody in their right mind would be tailing us this long unless there was a "personal" connection. He's so damn left-brained he may never get it,...but that's his problem.

I don't know for sure why you've been doggin' me, but I guess it's because I was hangin' out with cpr and that bothered you. Either that, or you're nervous that I know your real name. Lisa, I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE. I never did, except I wanted to know who was doggin' us. Knowing you has done one good thing for me though. I've learned a LOT about tracing that I never would have learned otherwise. (BTW, you know that you can be traced by the e-mails you sent me and the posts you left on biffy, right? It doesn't matter if a packet is routed once, twice, three times, or whatever... it can be traced. Personally, I don't give a shit about who you are, where you live, or what you eat for breakfast. All I care about is that, I DO know who you are, and where you live, and that you HAVE been rerouting and that will help me learn how to track better. I gotta have a template, so once I've got you down everything else will be a piece of cake. (Guess what my new business is going to be? I'm going to be a cyber P.I. instead of a gum shoe!)

Thanks for everything. You have been, and will be, more valuable to me than you'll ever know.

Now you, Mark,

Ditto the above first sentence.

You know, it made no sense to me that Hattie -- or whoever -- would want to harass me. I'm sure you are aware that you are responsible for my confusion, and you owe them an apology.

Ok, now that that's said, let's discuss what you've done.

You have harassed me for MONTHS. YOU directed me to TimeBomb last Oct. or November, and YOU'VE given me shit ever since. I'm sure you must be aware that calling me names for a little while is no big deal, however, calling me names -- in writing -- for months, constitutes harassment. I already have your I.P. from biffy, and I can supoena the tapes from OTFR and Yourdon to prove it. I'm not saying sueing you is a foregone conclusion; I just haven't decided yet. I can tell you, you'd better hope you never posted from work on biffy's, because I am going to run those and send them to your boss if you posted from there.

Finally, I'm sorry I've hurt you, but you're the one who made this personal. Since I'm pretty, you have relentlessly attacked my beauty. Since I'm smart, and educated, you attack that also. You can't dispute either, so why have you bothered?

You're sick, Mark. You really, really are. Anyone who would kill their neighbor's dog has a coldness inside that I've seen in few people ever in my life. And, don't think I'll ever forget the night in Bok's (nor will others, I suspect) when you said you were going to go to the grocery store on January 1st just so you could watch people panicking. I even remember you said you were going to munch on an apple while you did it. You are a smug, self-righteous, mean, stupid, little man, cavscout.


-- Laura (, March 15, 2000


Bitch your getting more looney with each passing day. As your best friend on this board I implore you to get help and get it quickly.

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.

It's time for your Thorazine, dear.

-- (NurseRatchet@Cuckoo.nest), March 15, 2000.


-- know one (, March 15, 2000.

to: " "

-- Untitled (Me@Untitled.Untitled), March 15, 2000.

I think LL meant to send these highly personal and somewhat threatening letters by email....didn't she?

I'm pretty sure it's against netiquette to post private emails. PerhapsOTBR could help her with this?

-- Let me spell it for your..Anonymous (It'salwayssomebody@else's.fault), March 15, 2000.

Jeeze, it just occured to me,... you've already lost your job, huh, Mark?

Doesn't surprise me.

What does surprise me that you spend all this time on your computer harassing me instead of looking for another job. We both know you were broke before you spent all that money on Y2k even. Cripes, I'm almost starting to feel sorry for you.

Ok, ok, I do feel sorry for you.

Mark, get off your computer and go find a job. I promise you that living well is the best revenge, and you'll never be able to do that by living your life harassing me online. You're sick! I know you have bills to pay, so this is just plain crazy!

Oh yeah, I just remembered have been telling me to get off my computer for months. I guess you thought that by harassing me you could make me do that? No way. Everytime someone says that it just makes me more determinded to post (I just smiled at you, CJS). I can't believe that after months of this you haven't realized that yet. There's nothing you, or anybody else can do or say to get me off this computer.

I'll leave when I'm ready.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.


lol! No, it's not illegal to post e-mails!

Anytime you put something in writing it's subject to public scrutiny; anywhere! (Unless of course it's protected under client privledge or a classified document.)


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

You are a smug, self-righteous, mean, stupid, little man, cavscout.

How do you know he's little, what's his height then.

-- richard (, March 15, 2000.

According to a recent study by the University of North Carolina, rude, disrespectful behavior--from nasty notes and groundless accusations to ruined credibility and shouting--is on the rise.

It's a shame we can't treat each other with mutual respect.

There is a sickness in our society. change or transform in a grotesque or strange manner.

-- goodwill (Peace@onearth.ed), March 15, 2000.

You're thinking the other Lisa again, psycho-banana. I've never emailed you in my life.

Refer to your notes.

-- lisa (, March 15, 2000.

ever wondered why you attract this sort of attention, whats your theory, there must be a reason

doesn't happen to the rest of us

-- richard (, March 15, 2000.

No, lisa, I'm not. You know it, and I know it.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@.....), March 15, 2000.

Mark, if you think you've been fooling anybody by using all those fake names, you're wrong.

You're transparent as hel~*~l.

-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

If I wasn't a friend of the sysop, I'd be laughing my ass off at how you're trashing this board... what's that, three now?

-- lisa (, March 15, 2000.

I think she's wasting a lot of time and energy with all this anger but she's hardly "trashing" this board. People will read what they want and ignore the rest. That's the nature of "uncensored."

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.

Very interesting, lisa.

Very interesting.

Thank you.

(By the way, you have't seen me do nothin' yet.)


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

LL, You have messed up your karma real bad by trashing other boards. You should not be surprised to see so many people angry at you for so long. After all, you showed amazing endurance in your previous trashing attempts. Expect this to last at least as long as you did.

-- (another person@...*), March 15, 2000.

How about it if all those that want to bicker start their own newsgroup and insult each other to their heart's content? Why stay here and irritate those who want serious discussion and information?

-- Dr. Shrink (drshrink@shrink.assoc), March 15, 2000.

You know, lisa. I've been silent way too long. You've covered up your involvement in everything, and I'm not going to let it drop now. I was willing to earlier, but not anymore.

I was lurking when you said you were a sysop in Bok's chatroom, and then you'd run back to the board and say, "I'm sure glad I'm not a sysop" or something similar to that. You've been lying, cheating, and covering up and everyone needs to know that now. I've only stayed silent because I didn't know what your motives were. I assumed it had something to do with that "mama bear" thing. However, the games you've played with cpr, and the games you're continuing to play with me today, are putting an end to my silence.

Maybe you didn't e-mail me that stuff from your computer yesterday. Maybe you did it from your neighbors, who knows. It doesn't matter, I'll find out. But, your game if over now.

You, cavscout, probably OTFR, and one or two others that hung around Bok's have been harassing me and cpr to death; and what goes around, comes around.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

Maybe this'll shut'er up

Lisa Bucher Firstcare 512 257 6249 Austin, Tx SSN 454210204

-- lisa (, March 15, 2000.

OK, now I'm confused, what is that? ^ ^ ^ up there, what is it?

-- consumer (, March 15, 2000.

Go ahead bitch threaten away. Whats the worse you can do? Like I said before everybody here hates you.

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.

Hey, Memette:

Are you gonzo?

NEVER give out that kind of info on the Net.

Its an open invitation to invasion of privacy and flypaper for every creep.

Moi. xxxxxx

-- cpr (, March 15, 2000.

Wow, guess that ought to do it.

In reality, I doubt anyone really cares who is who. I certainly don't care who Lisa is or what she's done. We're still working with clean slates here.

I see lots of different anonymous posts all ridiculing Laura, obviously to give the impression that she has many enemies. My guess is that it's just one person with a lot of time on his hands and a deep seated need to "get Laura." I can understand Laura wanting to respond in kind, but I think if Laura can try to keep an even keel and limit her responses (if any) to "yawns" and "cyber-bullets" it will frustrate this attacker of hers to the point where he/she will probably stroke out and die. And perhaps we will all get to watch.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.


I got nothing to hide from and it did seem to shut her up.

-- lisa (, March 15, 2000.

Hey hmmmmm you dumb ass. I know for certain it's more than one person. Your starting to sound just like the dumb bitch. Maybe your one of her seven alter egos.

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.


-- WhatChannel (IsThis@Anyway.Com), March 15, 2000.

OH HELL NO!!!! that REALLY isnt her phone number, last name and SS# is it????????


-- consumer (, March 15, 2000.

Like I said in the beginning:

"Mark aka Cavscout & Lisa aka Netghost. I swear to God you two are like a couple of little kids who just don't know when to give it a rest."


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

Hey hmmmmm you dumb ass. I know for certain it's more than one person.

Well, of course your knowledge is beyond reproach, especially when you utter such clever witticisms as:

Your starting to sound just like the dumb bitch. Maybe your one of her seven alter egos.

Yes, I think I'll stick with my "one person" theory.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.


You probably just wasted your breath. He's too stupid to understand much of anything.

(And, clearly she's dumber'n a rock.)


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

Hey you stupid bitch!!!!! Thought you were gonna follow up on your threat? Guess your just the big bag of wind we all thought you were. Move over Monica here comes ladylogic for her nibble of the cigar.

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.

ah, Manny/cavscout/Richard/etc,

You're starting to look a little hysterical.



-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

Geezz Laura. how quickly you forget :-(

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 15, 2000.

What a nasty brawl going on here.

I was called to this thread by someone to delete the SSN number given by Lisa@work. If that's what Lisa wants me to do, she should email me to ask for it herself. It should be obvious to all here that it's impossible for me to know for sure who's who just by reading posts.


-- Old TB2K Forum Regular (, March 15, 2000.

Maybe I was wrong afterall. I am going to get my prozac refilled and will be back soon.

-- Laura( (, March 15, 2000.

LL, you have openly accused the following posters of being imposter/trolls out to harass you: Netghost, Ron Schwarz, hawk, Lisa B., Hattie, Helen, OTFR, Richard Dale, Anita, Old Git, cavscout, manny, CJS, JBS...GAWD, I've lost count. Can you not get it that you are a very bad guesser? Can you not get it that there are a lot of people disgusted enough with your crap that they might take pokes at you?

You said, "You, cavscout, probably OTFR, and one or two others that hung around Bok's have been harassing me and cpr to death;"

Now you are accusing OTFR of harassing you and cpr? You've got to be kidding...right? Or, maybe you will tell us (again) that these posts are not written by you?!? By the way, I don't see anybody harassing cpr, nor do I see him starting threads to whine about it. Why do you suppose that is, Laura?

On another thread, you said, "ah, Manny/cavscout/Richard/etc, You're starting to look a little hysterical. (giggle)"

To which Uncle Deedah replied, "Horseshit. Richard is mostly a polite wanker, not at all the style of Hawk or Manny. He and I have engaged in gentle ribbing for a LONG time." -- Uncle Deedah (, March 15, 2000.

Guess what, Laura? A lot of people have known Richard Dale for a lot longer than you have been around. But, that doesn't matter to you, does it Laura? You are the one who sounds hysterical. You've become the laughing stock of at least 4 bulletin boards. You must be so proud.

You said, "Since I'm pretty, you have relentlessly attacked my beauty. Since I'm smart, and educated, you attack that also."

Laura, ugly goes all the way to the core...and you Laura are truly, deeply ugly. And smart? Give me a freaking break. Your English composition is atrocious, and your endless accusations and blame, while sometimes entertaining, are always wrong! How smart can you be??

You said, "I already have your I.P. from biffy, and I can supoena (sic) the tapes from OTFR and Yourdon to prove it."

Ugly, ugly, ugly. You accuse OTFR of harassing you, and threaten him/her with subpoena (at least spell it right, Laura)? We on this board have witnessed OTFR bend over backwards trying to placate you. If this is how you feel about the sysop of this forum, Laura....LEAVE!

Another person said, "LL, You have messed up your karma real bad by trashing other boards. You should not be surprised to see so many people angry at you for so long."

So true. I, for one, found you and your outing, stalking, spamming, potty mouth, threatening behavior contemptuous. From reading the telltale writing styles, spelling cues, etc. (and some things cannot be faked), it looks to me like there are at least a handful of different people, if not more, on this forum taking shots at you. It looks like the number is growing, too. I think that is largely due to you, Laura, starting threads like this that draw attention to your mental illness.

-- It's like Jerry Springer (only not@as.funny), March 15, 2000.

The SS# is one byte off - try to guess which one! :0

-- lisa (, March 15, 2000.

So true. I, for one, found you and your outing, stalking, spamming, potty mouth, threatening behavior contemptuous. From reading the telltale writing styles, spelling cues, etc. (and some things cannot be faked), it looks to me like there are at least a handful of different people, if not more, on this forum taking shots at you. It looks like the number is growing, too.

LOL. It sure is interesting that you're going to such great lengths to convice people that there is more than one "laura-basher" here, even though you always uses anonymous names. And just by coincidence, it comes right after I proposed that this was all the work of one person.

Oh yes, Mr. Anonymous, it sure looks like "a handful of different people, if not more" taking shots at her!! This would indicate that there are "a handful of different people, if not more" who are outrageously obsessed with one person enough to stalk her wherever she goes, so that they can ridicule her at every opportunity. Must have been some sort of mass delusional experience. Have you all been to any magic shows recently?

I think, Mr. Anonymous Imposter-Troll, that you and your many "friends" might want to have a little discussion about the effectiveness of your methods, as they don't seem to be quite satisfactory to you so far. I realize that this discussion will most likely take place in the vast emptiness that is your skull, but perhaps you will emerge a little wiser from it.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.


It sure is interesting that you're going to such great lengths to convice people that there is more than one "laura-basher" here...

Thanks! I aims to please, boss. Do you think OTFR is stalking Laura, too? Careful you don't get brain rot from sniffing too much of that butt powder. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

Lisa, goood waaaan!

-- It's like Jerry Springer (only not@as.funny), March 15, 2000.


That is LisaNetghost, and cavscout/too many names to mention. There's two of them.

(BTW, I'm the one that requested she take your SSN off the board, AND I meant she probably harassed me at Bok's. Since I don't know who she is, I don't know for sure. I did us the word probably

Lisa/Netghost & Cavscout/too many names to mention,

Kiss my pretty, white, powdered butt.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

Oh, what the hell. Nothing better do do while waiting for 64 EMC drives to load up...........

So, Laura, what's for dinner?

-- lisa (, March 15, 2000.

Well, whoever they are, they seem to be a waste of your time. You've noticed that the more you ignore and "yawn" at the one with too many names, the more agitated and hysterical he gets. It's kinda fun to watch. We could start up a pool to predict when he will keel over from over-exertion. At least he'll be good for some entertainment value.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.

Hmmmmmmm your starting to sound just like LL with your one person theory. And you seem to always be sticking up for her. Perhaps she likes to nibble your cigar too. Wonder when cin will check in here. As everyone knows you are allowed 7 different e-mail addresses on AOL and you can change all but one anytime.

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.

Uhhhh.... Guys, I don't think this is Laura, The real Laura knows my first name and Knows I'm not Lisa... just an FYI :-)

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 15, 2000.

Hmmmmmmm your starting to sound just like LL with your one person theory.

Yes, "Manny," you mentioned that already. Except the last time you said it like this:

Your starting to sound just like the dumb bitch. Maybe your one of her seven alter egos.

Are you beginning to forget which one of your personalities is the one that swears and which is the more "polite" one?

Uhhhh.... Guys, I don't think this is Laura, The real Laura knows my first name and Knows I'm not Lisa... just an FYI :-)

Why am I not surprised? LOL

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.

hmm, I can think of a lot of reasons why you Would be suprised, after all, she isn't much of a PI. She did think I was Lisa untill I told her my name and proved it to her last night.

See this thread...

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 15, 2000.

Yes, I saw the thread. Still, very little surprises me about this place nowadays. :-)

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.


I've been following all your posts here for the past few weeks, and I must say it's been interesting.

But I am getting a little tired of having my "handle" smeared by you every other day. I am getting a little tired of being accused of doing all sorts of nasty things that you have either taken out of context of simply made up out of whole cloth.

I'll say it once again; I'm not the one harassing you. I'm not Manny or Netghost, or any of these other people you think I am. This is the first thing I've posted on the net in nearly 2 months.

I have gotten on with my life post-Y2k, and I think you should to, although I doubt you'll take any of my advice. Go ahead and call my boss (if you think he'll believe a word you say), or sue me (if you really think you've got a case), or set fire to a bag of dogshit and ring my doorbell and run away. I don't care.

Everyone here knows who the crazy mean one is.

-- Mark Troth (, March 15, 2000.

Hmmmmmmmm for all I know your LL so what that your theory doesn't hold water? I toned it down just for you although I did add the cigar bit. So tell me does she swallow?

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.

Perhaps you or one of your invisible friends should email her and ask her. Oh, wait, that would require guts. Never mind.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.

Ok folks LL is also going by the name hmmmmmmmm. can anyone on here tell me for sure how many names she goes by and what they are?

-- Manny (, March 15, 2000.

can anyone on here tell me for sure how many names she goes by and what they are?

Sure thing, Manny. She goes by at least 48 separate names. They are as follows:

* * * notgiving@anymore.thingee * * * Ladylogic@... * * * hmm@hmm.hmm * tion@l.1 * * * !@#$ * flyin@high.again * * * * * * * * * * * * * chuck@u.farley * * * * ) * * @ . * * * * * * E.H. Porter@just wondering.about it * * through@the.rubble * Y2J@home.comm * * * ladylogic@...... * * *

Hope that helps.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.


You're full of shit (as usual).


That was February 10th.

Obviously, that's the only time you put your handle on a post, but you clearly showed that you were raggin' on me all over DeBunker's. You CANNOT dispute that. You put your name on one or two of the posts, and you told us what handle you were going by previously. I may guess some people wrong, but I know who you are, and I can prove where you harassed me. You've been dogging me all along asshole, and I have nothing more to say to you on the internet.


I still believe you're the same person. I can go back to the links that've brought me to that conclusion. But frankly, right now I don't give a shit. Your games have wasted enough of my time.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

LOL hmm!!!!


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.

We are all Kosh.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 15, 2000.

if you werent here you wouldnt have to put up with this


-- no denser substance (than@your.own.head), March 15, 2000.

Hey denser,

If you're talking to me, you really must be dense. I'm diggin' the hell outta this!!!

LOL again, hmm! (God, you've had me in stiches today.)


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.


You're right, it's actually been about five weeks since I last posted anything to you, not 2 months. My mistake. What a sleuth you are.

Two questions for you: what laws have I broken, and what are you going to do about it?

Is internet name-calling illegal? I stand guilty before my judge and jury, Ladylogic. Is using a false handle illegal? If so, I'm busted.

So you're going to "out" me in reference the dog and all the illegal guns I supposedly have, and the militia that I'm supposedly in? I pet the little dude everyday, and he still annoys the shit out of me, but you know what, he's still breathing, just like you and me. Making a joke about offing as dog is one thing, (and you were laughing right along with me, remember)? Doing it is another. Have you appointed yourself Head of the Thought Police now? The other stuff is pure B.S., and you know it.

Are you gonna have me arrested because I used to be one of the hated "Doomers"? Gee, I wonder what the penalty for that is? Maybe they'll force me to eat nothing but my TONS of rice and beans 'til it's all gone.

I could go on, but whats the point? I got your goat, many times, and you're pissed about it. SO WHAT? There's not a damn thing you can do about it. Lot's of people on the net hate your guts...are you going to sue all of us?

You contantly accuse everyone else of spending too much time on the net, but I see a post, (usually several), by you here every day. I have a job, so I don't get the privelidge of reading your diatribes 'til I get home at night. Why don't YOU get a life, and stop spending all day trying to track all your "enemies" down?

Since there is no way I'm going to convince you that I've long since given up messing with your head, and since you are to stupid to figure it out for yourself, I'll just leave you to your little witchhunt, and wish you good luck. Maybe you will track down Manny/Richard/etc., etc, ad infinitum, and so on, and on, and on......

You've certainly provided me and everyone else here with much entertainment on your self-destructive little quest to "get" everyone who's uttered a bad word about you, and for that we're all undyingly grateful.

Last but not least quit whining, you sound pathetic.

-- Mark Troth (, March 15, 2000.

Before I go to bed, I want you to know that I never would have outted your last name Mark. I'm simply amazed that you did, after the crap you've pulled on the internet.

I think you and lisa have a lot in common, and should start your own webpage. You could call it www.'net.idiotsRus.html/ 'cause you both are stoopid.

I guess karma does exist in the world afterall.

Have a nice night.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 15, 2000.


The point is, I've done nothing wrong, so it doesn't matter who sees my name. There's nothing you can do to me. If you think there is, then take your best shot. You're the fool in this game we play, and everyone else knows it. You are frustrated because you think you can win this contest. You can't- neither of us can. It's called free speech- you should look into it sometime, it's a really novel idea that some dead white guys came up with a long time ago. See, the way it works is I get to say WHATEVER I WANT to you and you can't do a damn thing about it, except say something else back to me? Ok? you can't "track me down", or "out" me, or anything else. Cool, huh?

How many flame posts do you get every day Laura? a dozen? Two dozen? Do you really think it's me doing it all? If you really think so, you are a bit more unstable than I gave you credit for. Wake up and realize that the antagonism you put out towards EVERYONE (even your hero, CPR) comes back at you ten fold. Thats the difference between us- I messed with your head, while you THREATEN dozens of people.

Oh yeah, and if anyone has done anything at least unethical it's you, for posting my private e-mails to you. Think about that, you self-righteous little pest.

I'm not afraid to post my last name. Why don't you post yours? (Sorry, I realize that was a rhetorical question).

-- Mark Troth (, March 15, 2000.

You weren't joking about killing that dog. You and I both know it. I'd pass a lie detector test and you wouldn't.

Quit trying to spin and cover up, you idiot. That was nervous laughter when you talked about killing that dog. You knew damn well I volunteer at the Humane Society.

(Have you been taking spin lessons from Yourdon?)

(Have you gotten rid of those illegal guns yet?)

Keep it up, jerk. You're the only one that can lose here.

(Has everyone noticed that when Cavscout was busy writing, I didn't have any other trolls screaming at me?)

You are so transparent it's pathetic.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.

Oh cripes,

I just noticed you posted ANOTHER one about the same time I did.

Fuck off for now.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.


Weren't you the one that suggested wrapping D-con up in a chunk of hamburger and tossing it over the fence? Remember that one, hon?

-- Mark Troth (, March 16, 2000.

Sleep tight, Laura :)

-- Mark Troth (, March 16, 2000.

No. I don't even know what the hell D con is.

FURTHERMORE, do you think for a moment that anyone is going to believe you've been reading my posts for the last five weeks calling you out, and you never responded?

You're so full of shit your eyes are leaking brown.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.

We have to quit posting the same time like this.

Good night!



-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.

Yes Manny....

We are ALL LL. All of us. Every single poster here is, in all actuality, LL. I see we can't pull the wool over YOUR eyes.

Cin (checking in)

-- cin (, March 16, 2000.

Do you really think that anyone who reads Manny's posts and compares them to mine will see any resemblance?

Besides, like I said, WHO THE F$%K CARES? OK, so I admit it, I'm Manny, and Hmmm, and Netghost, and Oh, and BTW I'm, and oh yeah, I'm OLD GIT, and believe it or not, I'm the Queen of England, too. What are you gonna do, except cry about it?

And who gives a shit about a dog that barks a lot (in fact barking right now), or D-con, or anything. That's what you don't get, stupid.....none of this matters to anyone......except you.

I'll make you a deal Laura. I hereby promise to harass you DAILY from now on, using only my real name. Does that make you happy?


-- MT (, March 16, 2000.

"Fuck off for now."

"You're so full of shit your eyes are leaking brown."


And you're supposed to be the smart one?

-- MT (, March 16, 2000.


In the next installment Mark will ask Laura to marry him. Stay tuned.

-- (cable@channel.TV.), March 16, 2000.

HeHe, good one cable, but not in this lifetime (or any other). Glad we're at least keeping some people entertained.

Like I told Laura, I'll try and check in every day to keep her honest, so she'll know it's REALLY me being so mean to her.


-- (, March 16, 2000.

She still hasn't figured me out.

"what about me? I want my moment in her sights"

doan fergit me!

yeah, me too

-- The Others (s@aid.merkley), March 16, 2000.

Hey cav you bugger! Ya left me out, you are me too aren't ya?

-- Uncle Deedah (, March 16, 2000.




-- (LadyLogic@...), March 16, 2000.

Ok, I'm back.

I had planned on coming back here today to defend my actions, my education, my looks,...and I realized how silly that is.

The orange trees are in bloom, and I only have about two weeks of tolerable weather left before this place turns into a solar oven in the afternoons. I want to spend less time posting, and more time studying and enjoying the outdoors while I can.

Go ahead and dog me when I do post, I don't care. I've never actually carried out any threat that would actually hurt anybody, so you have no legitimate reason to bitch at me.

I don't know what else to tell you, Mark, except; I wish you well.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.


Were you trying to be funny?---listing 48 posters and saying they were all LL aliases, including your own. I am not an LL alias, my email is real and I don't powder my butt. I shave it.

-- Lars (, March 16, 2000.

Lars, you are an LL alias, just as we all are. We are the LL collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), March 16, 2000.


Yes, I understand now. We are all increasingly in LL's thrall. Sometimes I can feel her controlling my thoughts---especially when they get real weird. I think she does this by traveling from Phoenix to Sedona and doing a harmonic resonance thingee.

BTW, I lied. I don't shave my butt. I comb it.

-- Lars (, March 16, 2000.

I don't shave or comb my butt.

I peroxide and braid it. When I'm feeling really randy, I use two braids, for an "Ellie May Clampett" effect.

After a night of chili eatin' and beer drinkin', it is best to tie the braids off at the nearest protrusion, so that they don't get blown about.

I don't think I need to go any further.

-- CJS (, March 16, 2000.


After reading that shower thread and now this, I truly believe boys are disgusting!!



-- laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.

Just checked in ... only to find that I, too, had been assimilated. Oh well. Freedom fighter here, trying to keep my powder dry.

-- Normally (, March 16, 2000.

"Freedom fighter here"

Thanks, Normally.

You and I both know how important that is.

(May Boles, and all kindred souls, rest in peace.)


-- Laura (Ladylogic@...), March 16, 2000.

Laura, when are you going to let it RIP? I thought I proved to you I'm not Lisa the other night.... what is it you don't get?


-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 17, 2000.

Laura, when are you going to let it RIP? I thought I proved to you I'm not Lisa the other night.... what is it you don't get?



-- dreamweaver (nightmare@elm.street), March 17, 2000.

LOL..... Reality is a really hard concept to some people....sigh.. Laura, Try it :-)

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 18, 2000.

Stress is for people who can't handle drugs.

-- lisa (, March 20, 2000.

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