sliding rigger Row Wing : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

I'm looking for feedback on experience with the Piantedosi Row Wing set up with a sliding rigger. I have an older brochure from Piantedosi that lists this option. I am contemplating buying a Row Wing for my Stonington pulling boat that presently has parts of a dead Oarmaster rigged with a fixed seat. I am intrigued with the idea of a sliding rigger, perhaps as much because it is exotic to me. I've never tried one and would like opinions from others on pros and cons. A Row Wing rigged as such might not work because of the relatively high sides of the pulling boat vs. a shell. I have a second SPB already rigged with a Row Wing as well as a WingSystems touring shell with two so I'm familiar with the virtues of these simple, well-made units.

-- Rob Dunlap (, March 14, 2000


I to am looking for information on sliding rigger set ups. I would welcome any and all information on this type of a set up.


-- Bob Price (, December 18, 2000.

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