Welcome to the MVF4 Q&A Forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have started this in order for the entusiast of the upcoming MV F4 have a place to exchange information. I am part of the Ducati Mailing List and would like the same sort of interaction. There are a few simple rules.

1. No profanity. 2. Be civil about arguments. 3. Please keep it on topic, MV Agusta.

Enjoy and feel free to contribute to the forum.

-- J.S (mvf4s@excite.com), March 14, 2000


still no news?

-- Ben profijt (duc@rendo.dekooi.nl), March 20, 2000.

Actually I have a question, who makes a 120/65x17 tire in a race compound?

-- Paul Massignani (Dago Red SBK@attbi.com), September 25, 2002.

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