Town Crier Editor - Resident or Not? : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
In discussions with various residents, it seems that there are very mixed feelings on whether the new editor of the Kentlands Town Crier should be a resident or a non-resident. Some feel that a resident is better qualified simply for living in the community. Others feel that only a non-resident can be objective in reporting on the Board, President, CMC, and various committees. Any thoughts?(If a new editor has already been hired, then the question is moot).
-- Robin Caldwell (, March 13, 2000
I saw a want ad for editor of the Town Crier in last week's (March 8) Gaithersburg Gazette, so maybe by now there are applicants to be interviewed. I don't think it is important whether the new editor is a Kentlands resident or not. I do think the editor must be an independant person, who is not associated in any way with the recent fray. I also think the job must be very clearly described in writing before hiring anyone. We had a paper that was a huge credit to the community and a likely prizewinner in regional and national competitions. Let's hope someone can take it from there and move it forward.
-- Joel Aronson (, March 16, 2000.