Status of Town Crier? : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
It's been about 5 weeks since the Town Crier's editor resigned. Does anyone know what progress there has been in getting a replacement or convincing the previous editor to return?
-- Tom Marchessault (, March 11, 2000
This is an issue that has been on my mind as well. At the February KCA meeting, the question was asked, but not answered for a variety of reasons. Still, communication with the community is vital and some sort of resolution should be made immediately - even if it is in the form of a basic memo. To that end, the CIC recently distributed an update on the pool deck project that was very informative. Something along those lines would be quite reasonable until a new editor is found. More compelling is that important community decisions could continue to be made by the Board, without proper community input.
-- Robin Caldwell (, March 13, 2000.
I am unsure of the actual numbers, but the most recently distributed community directory had a list of at least one-third of the community's residences that have e-mail addresses.Isn't it possible to put together an interim newsletter that can at least be electronically distributed to those who are connected via e- mail. Even more could be reached if electonic recipients were urged to pass hard copy along to those they know to be cyber-challenged. Copies of the message could be left in key places throughout the community for pick-up by others, or distributed via the more traditional Kentlands Pony Express.
Such an approach would be cheap, reach at least a third of the community, and would possibly begin the evolution of a model for electronic delivery that will become increasingly viable over time (perhaps another neo-tradition).
-- David Fetzer (, March 19, 2000.