FCC Fines Bell Atlantic for N.Y. Errors

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Saturday, March 11, 2000

FCC Fines Bell Atlantic for N.Y. Errors

The Federal Communications Commission announced March 9 that Bell Atlantic had agreed to pay a $3 million fine to the U.S. Treasury for "loss or mishandling" of electronic orders submitted by local phone competitors in New York.

The FCC said that Bell Atlantic had failed to provide local rivals with nondiscriminatory access to "unbundled" network facilities, which are lines, switches, and other parts leased out at a discount. Specifically, the company failed to adequately notify competitors about the status of orders, an agency release said.

The FCC said that Bell Atlantic would be filing regular reports on its wholesale operations and would be liable for $24 million in additional fines if it did not meet specified performance measurements for four consecutive weeks. "We are resolved that the local phone market in New York will remain open," FCC Chairman William Kennard said in a statement. "Our action today will ensure that Bell Atlantic performs, or bears the consequences of its failure to meet its obligations."

Excerpted from an article in The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.'s Daily Report for Executives. This topic is also covered in Antitrust & Trade Regulation Daily and Antitrust & Trade Regulation Report.

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-- (Dee360Degree@aol.com), March 11, 2000


Bell Atlantic is not interested in customer service. They are bloated from being the only game in town for so long.

I have had a complete run around from them the last 8 days-I just moved and no department seems to know what the other is doing-My main number still has not been connected.

Mark my words-they will be fined again.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), March 11, 2000.

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