Tell Laura I Love Her : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

'nuff said

-- I've got the hots for you (, March 10, 2000


No she's mine

meet on the Isle of Lesbos

-- diane of the secret spaces (, March 10, 2000.

stand in line

i want her

-- lisa teasa (, March 10, 2000.

I'm next in line

-- Sun Ra (-- Ra (tion@l.1),), March 10, 2000.

Me too!

-- flinty (, March 10, 2000.

Stand aside you bastards I'm first

-- Stephen Roy Brown ((,), March 10, 2000.

Gang bang that big fat powdered white butt!

-- (I'm.driving@the.train), March 10, 2000.

Ya'll were drinkin' last night, huh?


-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 10, 2000.

Oh, Oh. Looks like Hawks mommy didnt do a very good job of hiding the airplane glue. I know the old axiom that imitation is the highest form of flattery but not in this case. I enjoy Lauras posts and have no problem telling her so myself.

-- Ra (tion@l.1), March 10, 2000.

[The IP records show that all of the above posts, except RAtional1 originate from the same IP.]

-- ('Nuff@said.2U), March 10, 2000.


That's NOT possible. I did post in here, and I'm not either one of those two.

Did you know that AOL, Compuserve, (and I think a few others) assign three different IP numbers to everyone?


-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 10, 2000.

Hold on now, sysop.

You'd better get this cleared up right away, because I don't want people thinking I was talking to myself.

Mine only has the flowers on it.


-- Laura (, March 10, 2000.

..That's NOT possible. I did post in here, and I'm not either one of those two.

Did you know that AOL, Compuserve, (and I think a few others) assign three different IP numbers to everyone?

.That's NOT possible. I did post in here, and I'm not either one of those two.

Did you know that AOL, Compuserve, (and I think a few others) assign three different IP numbers to everyone?


v..That's NOT possible. I did post in here, and I'm not either one of those two.

Did you know that AOL, Compuserve, (and I think a few others) assign three different IP numbers to everyone?


WYHNAT~*~ are

-- da8ikol.6yh (f9ol9olf@6yh9ol7ujl.c9oljm), March 10, 2000.

.Hold on now, sysop.

You'd better get this cleared up right away, because I don't want people thinking I was talking to myself.

Mine only has the flowers on it.

~*~ st7ujcik,7UJ0P;rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgyhnzfddd7uj0p;dujmsik,q7ujqbsdik,sdyhn `RF

-- OL.OL. (OL.AD6YHOL.9OLG9OLC@L.C9OLJM), March 10, 2000.

You are so lacking in intelligence, you don't even have anything original to say, do you, "eye spy"??

Please, go ahead and keep re-posting what I say. I'd have to pay for the space if this were a newspaper.


-- laura (Ladylogic@.......), March 10, 2000.

You are so lacking in intelligence, you don't even have anything original to say, do you, "eye spy"??

Please, go ahead and keep re-posting what I say. I'd have to pay for the space if this were a newspaper.

yeah i redisplay your verbal jewels daily clog (anagram) there worht repeeting

oh thats better new keeboard

PS my Eye Queue is off the scale up unlike yores

-- ienstien (, March 10, 2000.

you're out of your depth LL

PS OLD GIT V sent me

-- great white (, March 10, 2000.

Thanks for admitting today that you're Old Git,

I really can't believe you haven't had anything better to do, than chase me around for months.

You must really be upset that I destroyed your boards, so I'm sorry I hurt you so bad. Let it go, OG, what's past is past, and this obsession with me is really sick.

I'm sorry I hurt you so bad. I'd try to make it up to you, but I don't know how.


-- Laura (Ladylogic@.....), March 10, 2000.

Thanks for admitting today that you're Old Git, I really can't believe you haven't had anything better to do, than chase me around for months.

yeah i have nothing better to do than wank

You must really be upset that I destroyed your boards, so I'm sorry I hurt you so bad. Let it go, OG, what's past is past, and this obsession with me is really sick.

ah diddums

I'd try to make it up to you, but I don't know how.


-- clapped out chev. (very old, March 10, 2000.

Let's pull a "train".

(Laura, get a grip on yourself and ignore all such threads. 13 of the posts so far are from the same troll who started this thread. OTFR)

-- (engelbert@humper.dink), March 10, 2000.


All right, I CAN ignore her. But, I'm not gonna put up with shit like this from you:

"Let's pull a "train"."

Are you trying to piss me off???


("engelbert" is not me Laura, I'm typing over posts so you know it's me, only the administrator can do that, this way you know it's not a troll.OTFR)

-- laura (ladylogic@.......), March 10, 2000.


Oh, that's good! That's a great way to handle it.

Thank you.


-- laura (ladylogic@......), March 10, 2000.


rollin' on the floor...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, March 10, 2000.

Wow talk about being stalked

-- cin (, March 10, 2000.

LOL cin,

She does have her fans :-)

-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), March 10, 2000.

mEthInks we'Ve jUSt Had ouR firSt HinT oF cEn-Sor-sHiP, NEin?!? JacKaLs!!

-- DiEter'S ghOsT (be@mY.lAdY), March 10, 2000.

All right, I CAN ignore her. But, I'm not gonna put up with shit like this from you:

Are you trying to piss me off???


-- filthy git (, March 13, 2000.

(Laura, get a grip on yourself and ignore all such threads. 13 of the posts so far are from the same troll who started this thread. OTFR)

can't believe how thick you are

-- scumbag (, March 13, 2000.

But, I'm not gonna put up with shit like this from you

but you'll have to put up with this shit or fuck off the forum

-- clean old git (, March 13, 2000.


what is this pathetic moniker, sums you up completely

-- even cleaner git (, March 13, 2000.

mEthInks we'Ve jUSt Had ouR firSt HinT oF cEn-Sor-sHiP, NEin?!? JacKaLs!!

yeah censor me you filthy clinton cock suckers

-- cleanest old git int he world (, March 13, 2000.

i wanna sit on her face

-- fat ugly dyke (, March 13, 2000.

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